The Dark Acher

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Oliver's P.O.V

Oliver stands and waits for Felicity to tell him where the Archer Is. He thinks to himself, he's done enough killing and destroying it's time to take him out.

Felicity tells Oliver he's at a warehouse on blue street. He goes over to the glass case with his hood and suits up after getting ready, he then walks over to the box with his bow inside from the island. He grabs it while heading upstairs and outside to his motorcycle on his way to the warehouse.

He soon gets to the location and taps on his ear piece. He uses his arrow voice " Felicity, I'm here. Where is he?" Oliver looks around the place it's big and dark no ones Outside but he hasn't checked the inside yet.

He grabs an arrow out of his quiver setting it against his bow. He inhales and exhales slowly before letting the arrow fly out in the open and attach to the roof. He then presses a button that's on his bow and it hauls him up where he shot the arrow. He untaches the rope from his bow and walks over to the windows. One is slightly ajar.

It's too dark inside for Oliver to see  "The Archer is on the right side wall in the building." Felicity says through his ear piece.

Oliver cracks the window thats ajar a bit more and slips inside placing his foot on a big box and slowly climbs down to the ground. He has his bow out and peperared at the ready. After walking around for a moment he spots the dark Archer. He aims his bow at him and the archer turns around. Oliver looks at the other masked archer using his arrow voice out loud. "Dark archer, you have failed this city!" The archer looks at Oliver with a venomous laugh, not even looking scared at all.

That doesn't stop Oliver from staying on his guard. He watches the other archer laugh humorously. "What's so funny!" Oliver shouts with irritation evident in his voice. The dark Archer continues to laugh not saying a word till Oliver let's go of his arrow aiming for the archers heart. Soon as Oliver let's the arrow fly across the room to the other side. The Archer catches it with his hand "you're going to have to do better than that." The villain says as he stopped his laughter. Oliver is shocked he caught it. No one ever sees his arrows enough to catch them like that.

Oliver with agression pulls three new arrows out of his quiver then let's them fly at the same time together at his target. The archer dodges the two and catches the third after jumping up really high off a box and landing back on his feet. "I have been waiting for this day! There can only be one Archer in this city and it's going to be me! and I'm going to end you Arrow!!." Oliver can feel his heart beat quicken. This wasn't just like some other opponent he has faced before, no this one is different then all the others.

Oliver grips his bow and clenches his jaw, he prepares to shoot another arrow as he tells his opponent with anger in his tone. " I will not let you take my city the only Archer going down will be you!" After that being said Oliver shoots another arrow this time an explosive one.

They both fall to the ground from the explosion but as Oliver stands back up he sees the other archer getting up too. Oliver runs toward him kicking him in the stomach. The dark archer catches his leg and spins him till he falls to the ground. Oliver gets back up with dizzyness but quickly grabs onto a chair beside him and lift it up smacking the dark archer hard against his body with the chair. The dark archer covers himself best he can, Oliver drops the chair and starts punching him left and right. Getting a few more punches on the dark archers jaw, chin, and stomach.

After a couple more punches to the jaw he catches Olivers hand and twists his wrist backwards. Oliver screams in pain from the motion. He soon pulls his hand out of the mans  grip. Soon after Oliver gets his hand free. The dark archer punches Oliver in the face three times then he kicks Olivers legs under his feet. Making Oliver slam onto the ground on his back. The dark archer gets on top of him using both his hands to choke him on the neck.

Oliver uses his good hand to get in his side pocket pulling out a pocket knife before he loses his vision. Oliver flips the pocket knife around in his hand for a better grip and stab the dark archer in his left arm making him lose his grip on Olivers neck and he yells out loud.

Oliver pushs him off him and gets back up on his feet. The dark archer glares with hatered toward Oliver as he pulls the knife of his arm and throws it at Oliver with his good arm.

Oliver dodges it but soon finds the other archer slam his body into his. Slaming Oliver against a table, the dark archer lifts Oliver up by his throat with an evil grin slaming him down onto the table on his back.

The dark archer grabs one of Olivers arrows from his quiver. Stabbing him with it in his arm. He yells out in pain feeling the burning sensation on his skin then the stickiness of his blood sliding down his arm. Oliver gets a good right hook into the dark archers nose. 

Oliver pulls out the arrow in his arm with a groan. He notices his bow. He pushes the archer off him and quickly grabs his bow off the floor. Oliver gets out a flash grenade, he shoots it with his bow making the Archer not be able to hear.

He then goes behind him kick his legs making the dark archer fall on his knees. He then goes to punch him in his face, but the dark archer turns around punches Oliver in the Stomach making him lose his breath. He then picks Oliver up throwing him through a pile of empty boxes. Oliver shakes his head watching the archer walk over to him.

The dark archer bends down facing Oliver with an evil saticfied grin as he sees Oliver bleeding. Oliver takes his good hand grabbing some glass beside him throwing it in the dark archers eyes. The dark archer growls in anger already too late with putting his hands to his face to block the glass. Oliver takes this advantage to kick his leg out and slam it into the dark archers, hitting a tendon and nerves. Oliver gets up after he has his enemy where he wants him. He then  uses his strength to punch him in his stomach.

The archer is bend over but quickly grabs Olivers arm and flips him over onto the ground. Twisting Olivers arm behind him in a terrible angle. Oliver screams to the horrible pain that shoots through his arm.

The dark archer lowers his head to whisper in Olivers ear. "The problem is Arrow, you don't know in your heart what your fighting for." He let's go of Olivers arm to go around and face him in the front while saying to Oliver before punching him in the face "But I do" the dark archer finishes with another dark smile.

Oliver gets up with a dark red busted bloody lip. Looking at the dark archer with determination. "I do know what I'm fighting for and it starts with taking you down!" Oliver spats at the dark archer with so much anger.

He grabs his bow again and hits his enemy in the face and breaking his nose. The dark archer grabs his nose looking at Oliver and checking his hands seeing blood. He pulls his hands away from his face coming after Oliver with rage and a busted up nose with blood. He slams Oliver into a metal table.

Oliver can't move as he's pinned down and losing his energy to continue as the wound from the knife from earlier is making him lose a lot of blood.  The dark archer keeps Oliver pinned down telling him "It's time to finish what I started."

Oliver turns his head to his left spotting two metal bars. He stretches his arm making an expression of pain as he feels the wound in his arm hurt even more as he moves it. With success on his side he manages to grab them. The dark archer not really paying attention as he thinks Olivers just struggling to get free. He spits out to his nemises "you're pathetic it's time for a new Archer for this city they deserve one."

Oliver laughs humorlessly and tells the dark archer with the same tone. "What you deserve is this!" He hits him in the face with the two metal bars then his legs and then the rest of his body.

The dark archer lands to the floor and doesn't move. Oliver goes over to hit him again, but then freezes as he hears sirens.

He drops the bars and grabs his bad side limping and looking for his bow. He shortly finds it and aiming at the window he came in from. The arrow and rope pulls him back up toward the roof. Oliver groans as he pulls himself up and out of the frame of the window. He taps his ear piece while heading back to his motorcycle.

"Felicity" he says in pain and unable to properly breathe "Meet me at the door and be ready." Oliver drives his bike back to the lair hoping Felicity heard him and ready to help him at the door as he's going to need her help after that long battle.

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