The Asshole

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The sound of the alarm beeping took me out of my sleep. And I quickly jumped out of bed and brushed my teeth and washed my face.

I stared at the skirt and pants and decided to wear the skirt and dress it to my liking.

I quickly part my hair in the middle. After spraying some water in it and running a little more curlying cream on it as well as fluffy out my mane as I like it to be.

I ironed the skirt. And paired it with black sheer stockings that stopped above my knees to cover a bit but not make me seem too granny like. I put on a nice but casual black tube top. And slipped on my short black heels. I looked at my face and thought I could do a bit of makeup but realized my poor skills would make me look like a clown so I did the two things I knew how to do. Mascara and a bit of lipgloss.

I grabbed my book bag and put all my belongings I would need in it as quickly as possible knowing that if I didn't rush Asia would beat my ass.

Exactly at 8:30 I stepped out side of my dorm room but seen that she was already waiting near my door.

Asia wore the blacks stacks that hugged her curvy body like a glove. A silky busty shirt. And red bottom heals that reminded me that I was broke and she was not. Her long kinky hair was in a high ponytail and her make up was perfectly set making her who is already gorgeous ten times more magnificent. Top off with a red matte lipstick that made her stand out amongst everyone else.

She gasped and ran towards me

"Yasss GIRL. When you care you know how to dress. You look beautiful" she smiled at me. "Not as well as you. I barely tried" I said lying through my teeth as I had thought about this outfit in my dreams. I cover my face trying to show her I was on the edge of blushing.

She yanked me into a side hug. "It's our first day at the academy I'm so excited" she said as we walked towards the elevator.

As we made it down into the main entrance and lodge area for the girls dorm. I was in awe at how many girls were there. So many of them were in groups laughing and socializing. All of them looked so pretty and wore nice and diverse outfits out of the school uniforms given to them.

I subconsciously looked myself in the mirror again. And I looked at myself before deciding that I wouldn't let my unspoken insecurities get to me. I looked good today. And so did everyone else.

Me and Asia sat on the couch and wait for Victora and Riya to meet us for breakfast. Right on time Victora came with the plaid skirt and a long sleeved black crop top. She wore long black heeled boots and her blonde hair was now straighten. Riya came in with the dark blue flared pants and paired with blue heels that matched. She wore a silky long sleeved black shirt that was neatly tucked in and wore a low bun turban that navy blue with flawless glowy makeup that highlighted her nice tanned skinned.

We greeted and complimented each other on our way to the cafeteria.

As we approach the ginormous building. Riya spoke of the assembly that would occur after breakfast.

"For some reason I'm so nervous" she said. "I heard all the new students would have to stand up, how embarrassing".

"Well it's a good thing we all look good" Victoria said as we walked through the doors.

The cafeteria looked was in many sections and there were tons of tables and sitting areas all around. They had different restaurants and cafes that had lines that were pretty long due to the many people that were there. It was packed, crowded and loud.

"Hey guys. I'll just stand in the line for the cafe to order. What do you want?" Victora smiled.

"I want an iced coffee and coffee and a bagel" Asia stated. "And I want a cappuccino and a muffin please" I added

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