Chapter 4: Gemini.

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It had been two weeks since Jim spoke with Will. It was a risk, undoubtedly, but with a fruitful pay off.
He let slip names of two individuals that could have also shared a personal closeness with the cannibal. Though he couldn't conferm this himself since Will, he would not interact directly with another who was connected to Lecter. Instead, he resorted to online chat rooms devoted to people claiming to have received counseling from Doctor Lecter.
There wasn't much at first, mostly people discussing how betrayed and personally victimized they felt by Lecters actions. As he neared the end of the thread, a name popped up against the white backround of the site.
Alana Bloom. The same name the slipped from Wills lips  and what a beautiful name it was. Like a flower that grew too close to a fire.
The user drug that lovely name through the dirt, blaming her for their experience with Lecter. They wrote about how she refered them to him, and quote: 'She knew him too well not to see what he was.'

The details of their closeness was still amiss, and research of Blooms listed associates held no mention of Lecter. (Jim assumed his name was wiped from many documents after people found out he munched on human.) 
Soon Jim came to the headache forming conclusion that the only way to get the information he wanted was to hack into the Quantico police system. Jim groaned aloud at the thought. It would be a stretch to say he was ignorant with technology, but it surely wasn't his strong suit, especially hacking. (Which he would normally hire someone else to do.)


Three days had passed Jim by as he worked at robbing information from the police, he confinced himself the process would take the same amount of time if a professional had done it.
After he recovered some old files on Bloom, confirming the connection with Lecter, he also spotted the name of another who held importance to the doctor. Forever tainting the name Bedelia Du Maurier.

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