Chapter 6

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A week after, Brian was almost living with us. It didn't bother me at all to have my best friend home. I loved to see both of them happy. But again I didn't have any news of Zacky and that was kind of annoyed me. I didn't know why, we only talked a few times since I kind of forgive him. But between you and I, you can't forgive someone when you don't really know what went wrong the first time. Right?

One day, I arrived back home and checked my phone, I had a message from an unknown person. I check it, "I want to go out with you some time, for dinner, lunch or whatever you want, I just want to have some time with you. \  Zacky"  My first reaction was to fangirl in the middle of the living room, Brian was the only one awake. He look at me, "What the hell?" He ask me worried about my mental health. "Hum, Y-You will probably think this is all stupid but Zacky texted me that he want to go out with me." I told Brian. He didn't smile, nothing, blank expression. And when he saw that I was looking at him weird he force a smile on his face. "Good, I hope you have fun" He said and looking back at the Tv. This wasn't right, something was up in his mind but God knows what!

The next day I had a day off. Zacky and I were supposed to have a little lunch together, nothing serious but I couldn't contain my stomach to twist in nervousness, my heart was going to jumps out of my chest. I enter in the little restaurant that Zacky had told me. I enter and saw Zacky sitting in the back of the shop, he had his black hat with a white bandana under it. His jet black hair coming out a little bit as usual. He had a normal black t-shirt. I had my pink curly crazy hair in a mess bun and had black t-shirt with light blue jeans and black ballerina. I sit in the chair in front of him. "You look so cute with your pink hair. So different than your brown ones." Zacky complimented me as he looked deep in my brown greenish eyes. We talked and laugh like when we were young, like if nothing had never changed. A waiter came to our table interrupting our conversation, "Sorry but we have to close" He said nicely before going away. Shit I never taught that we would of talk that much. I look outside and saw that it was pouring rain. "Oh no, my hair" I said looking Zacky, "Don't worry I got my leather jacket to protect your pink hair" He said giving it to me is black jacket with Avenged Sevenfold logo in the back. "Thanks, oh shit, fuck my shoes" I told him as I was about to put the first feet outside. Zacky pulled me back inside and picked me up bridal style, "No way you are getting sick, you have to save peoples live tomorrow" He told me happily before he run out the shop to my house. People were looking at us like we just escaped from the asylum. But we felt like kids again. Did the Zacky I knew was born from his ashes again? Or was it all just a illusion that my mind was creating?  I don't know. I guess we will find out with time..

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