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when he holds your hands

when he tells you he loves you

when you two share kisses

right next to me

i can't help but be reminded

that you were almost mine

those kisses were almost ours

i was almost the one you loved

it was easy to forget

when he announced

your name

was etched on his heart

it was easy to erase it from mine

but it slowly carves itself back on

when you grab me from behind

when you're so close to me

i can hear your breathing

when you joke and tease me

and you laugh beautifully

then the floor is hitting me

as i fall again and again

and again

but then you hold him and whisper

sweet nothings

that i'll never get to hear

and i can almost get over it

when i remember he has everything you need

everything you want

he satisfies you better

he has the looks, the confidence

everything i don't

i can almost find happiness

knowing you're better off with him


because i always remember

you were almost mine

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