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"Just Leave Taehyung be" hek commanded "No... His my Friend im not your Personal Maid" i said I push him to the side as i left the room in my Grumpy Attitude...

i sat back at the table and continue eating... "Is something wrong?" askes Jin i shooked my head no after we were done eating we went back to thw Living Room to watch some Final Destination...

I wasent Diguested at all... but his Making My Head Crazy!!!

After the Movie the Boys went Drinking while i was therw cleaning their Mess...

"Aish They Ruined my Carpet... stupid Movie" i Mumbled...


The Boys were So Happy when the Movie started when thw Killings Happened Hoseok Oppa Spilled Coke at My Clothes! While Jin was Covering the Maknae's eyes and My Eyes...

"Oppa! Im not a Kid anymore im 22!!" i said while pouting "No! no Gore for my Princess!" said Jin...

Jimin and Taehyung were glaring at each other With Food on their Hands... Yoongi Oppa... He is still sleeping... Namjoon Oppa was Helping Jin Oppa Covering Our Eyes...

Then Jimin 'Accidentaly' Pours Slime On My Carpet and on my Hair...
"Yes?" he asked while grinning at me... I stood up but did not care about the Movie's Gore...
"Im going to Murder You" i Threathened Him "Oh~ Im so Scared~" he said Sarcastically "Just You wait..." I said and went back to sit down...

End Of Flashback

I Grinned and Remembered my Plan... Im going to let Him eat Jin's Kimchi... but this Time... i will secretly Put Wassabi in it...


All Of them will eat it... since they need Sujo.... Beef and Kimchi and Rice... i went to the kitchen and Put alot Of Wassabi under the Kimchi and Made the Rice Salty "Yah! Y/N can you give us the Rice and Kimchi and Also Sujo?!" screamed Jin...

Oh Jin Oppa my plan is about to start... you wont know till you eat it "Ofcourse Oppa!" i said Cheerfully as i grab the Rice and Kimchi and went to the Hang Out Room Basically my Study Room and Put their Food and i grabbed some Sujo and Put it at the Table i smiled evily "Enjoy your 2nd Meal~" i said and left i sat at the Living room and wait for my Moment "OH MAN HOLY SHIT IT SO SPICY!" Screamed Jungkook because of the Spiciness I can hear Jin Coughing "AH! Y/N" i sticked my Tongue out and laugh...

"Thats what you get for Making my Clothes Wet and My Carpet Wet and not letting me watch Final Destination" i pouted "Aish! you rude kid The Rice is even Salty!" said Namjoon "Salty Like me" i smiled as they cringed "Your more like a rat" said Hoseok "Well your More Like a Horse" i grinned "Wow Hyung just got Burned" said Taehyung...

Taehyung seems comfortable with Oppas... i smiled but i noticed Jimin was glaring at me...

"What are you looking at Jerk?"

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