A Happy Life...Or I Thought

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I remember that day like it was yesterday. Me and my family including my mom, dad, and sister were in the car on our way to one of my singing lessons.I had been singing for over two years now And I myself don't really like my voice but everyone else seem to think that I have an amazing voice. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a car running a red light...

 And then it happened, it all just came at us like a flash of lightning. As soon as I knew it i was in and out of the ambulance being rushed into the hospital . I knew I was the only one that survived and I just broke down crying for my family. 

When I woke up from being asleep I saw a nurse wrapping up my leg. When she saw that i was awake she went to me and asked me if I had remembered anything. When I told her everything that had happened she told me that I would get out of the hospital tomorrow and that they would be taking me in a foster home since I had no where else to go. 

Annie the orphanWhere stories live. Discover now