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people talking. people walking. heels heard down the halls, rumors being spread more. 

then, there's me.

a loner. known to be the loner everyone has heard of. surprise, famous for my loneliness. but, also famous for having a hot step brother, jeon jungkook. i just get tired of always hearing it. espacially at home. 

why ? well, every night there is his girlfriend that always moans and yells at the top of her lungs. IT FUCKING DRIVES ME NUTS, YO !! the headboard always hitting the wall, them going at it til dawn. its just, horrible. you understand, right ?

but, at least i have my best friends. bambam and jihee. they are wonderful friends. jehee can never spend the night but, bambam always can !! my mom loves him, so does mr. jeon. ha, they always tease me and bambam at dinner, saying how they wish for our future children to look like. but, there is always one face that is always annoyed but hurt by these conversations or, when bambam comes over. 

can you guess ? yup, its sure as hell is jeon jungkook. little shit is weird as hell, one moment he will yell at me and make me cry, then i would run to my room then, in the next few minutes he will come up to my room and knock on the door. i'd open it to ask what he wants but, he just barges in and hugs me saying he is sorry and that he loves me. 

i never buy it though. i yell at him and hit him, pushing him out the door and locking it. then, the banging on the door would begin with him begging for me to let him in. but, i'd always call bambam up and ask him to come over and spend the night with me, he always agrees. 

jungkook would always open the door asking why he came over but, only for me to be standing in the hall waiting for bambam to come in, and embrace me. jungkook would always get mad but, i don't care anymore.  

ugh, life.  

«sleep» j.j.kWhere stories live. Discover now