1 Week Later???!

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Aliyah So I woke up couldn't find Quavo anywhere so I just went to shower then picked out a swim suit 

Aliyah So then I put my hair up in a crazy bun took my towel then went downstairs I was about to go to the pool

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Aliyah So then I put my hair up in a crazy bun took my towel then went downstairs I was about to go to the pool

Quavo Damn you look sexy come here

Aliyah I went to him and he kissed me who's here?

Quavo Oh just Belicia and Takeoff

Aliyah Oh Damn then he slapped my ass owe that shit hurts then I kissed him

Belicia Hey Aliyah

Aliyah Hey ima go swimming wanna come

Belicia Yeah Of course

Aliyah then she went and changed after we went to the pool and just swam for a long time and took pictures then we got out and laid down on the chairs

Belicia So did you and Quavo ever do it again?

Aliyah He'll No I can't handle that shit right now

Belicia Hahahahah

Aliyah I heard you and Takeoff are both here did you guys come at the same time

Belicia When y'all left we hella kicked it but when we got here like at night Damn I couldn't even

Aliyah You guys

Belicia Yeah we had sex

Aliyah was it painful

Belicia Hell Yeah like shit I felt like crying

Aliyah Hahahahah right then the guys came and swam with us then Quavo carried me in the water I just put my hands on his shoulder he tried kissing me but I resisted

Quavo Come on I ain't go but yo lip

Aliyah Fine am trusting you then I let him kiss me then I saw Belicia taking a picture on my phone then we were in the water then I went out of the water and went inside and up to the room then I showered after I put on my bra and underwear

Aliyah Fine am trusting you then I let him kiss me then I saw Belicia taking a picture on my phone then we were in the water then I went out of the water and went inside and up to the room then I showered after I put on my bra and underwear

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Quavo Damn My Baby looking hot asf

Aliyah Hahahah thank you Then I went and kissed him but then he carried me on the bed then he kissed me and on my body then his shirt was off

20 Minutes Later

Aliyah I was in pain so much but didn't wanna say anything my stomach hurts so much and where is he my neck is full of hickeys and my boobs have one and my stomach has some so then I got up and put my hair up then took a nap

2 Hours Later

Aliyah I woke up then Quavo brought me food then I just ate it after I dismissed I put the plate aside

Quavo Get Your ass over her

Aliyah Then I went to walk towards him and he kissed me then he carried me and took me over on the bed and kissed me

Belicia Oh my do I always walk in you guys about to Fuck

Aliyah Bye Belicia then I sat on him nope it's not happening again

Quavo I know you look sick

Aliyah Am not sick what the hell

Quavos tired?

Aliyah I lil bit

Quavo Okay ima leave you sleep and I'll be downstairs

Aliyah Alright then he left and I took a nap

1 Hour Later

Aliyah so then I woke up because of noise and shit so I opened the door

Belicia you hear that too

Aliyah yeah then we went downstairs and there were a lot of girls some naked some half naked and Quavo and Takeoff smoking weed

Quavo Hey Baby

Aliyah No what the hell is this I have a big headache and you have loud music on when we're tryna sleep and with girls

Quavo Relax have some fun babe

Aliyah OMG then me and Belicia went back upstairs

Belicia OMG What the hell were they doing

Aliyah I don't even know I have a really big headache now

Belicia Right

Aliyah Later on the music stopped so then Belicia left to go sleep and I just slept

Couple Hours Later

Quavo I walked in and saw Aliyah asleep so I went to sleep by her when I tried giving her a kiss she turned the other way

Aliyah I was actually awake I was just ignoring him

Quavo I know your not sleeping so what's wrong

Aliyah Finally I got some god damn sleep

Quavo What are you pregnant because your getting a little fat and you've been sleeping and eating a lot

Aliyah Two tears came from both my eyes You Know What fuck you Quavo

Quavo Fuck you to Bitch ass hoe with your ugly ass

Aliyah Thank you so much so then I went in a different room so I could sleep but first I made some dinner I was crying so much

Belicia Ali what's wrong why are you crying

Aliyah Wuavo He said am getting fat and that I've been eating and sleeping a lot he called me a bitch ass hoe and ugly

Belicia oh hell no I went up to the room he was in Why the fuck did you say that to her

Quavo Can you leave where's her annoying ass anyways

Belicia Making dinner

Aliyah so then Everyone came to eat I set the table and put the food for them ima go enjoy though

Belicia Come and eat

Aliyah Oh no am not hungry I'll just take my fat ass to bed

Belicia your not fat look at you body it's fucking goals

Aliyah Thanks B then I went to the room and cried my eyes out

Belicia What did she ever do to you she does everything for you she cooks for u and gives you a lot of love and I see y'all laughing all the time now she's so sad and she's crying

Takeoff Damn Bro go fix it before she ends it

Quavo I know so I went in the room when I walked in she was crying hey hey what's wrong

Aliyah Oh it's you am fine *wiping tears*

Quavo No your not your crying am so sorry for what I said to you of course your not getting fat you have a good ass body I was just hella tripin and I love u and everything about you

Aliyah I love you too then he kissed me then we both fell asleep

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