Kaiju Attack

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It has been seven years since the last Kaiju attack on the Pacific ocean. My father and mother fought against the last Kaiju and saved the world from the apocalypse. Mom would always tell us of the few battles she shared with our father, always making it like a fairy tale.

"Come on Sandra nee san! You can't catch me!" Marianna teased as she ran in front of me. I smirked and ran after her.

"Oh you'll see I will! Just wait and see," I told her. We were twins, whatever happened, we had each others backs.

We ran all the way to the beach until I was able to catch her. Marianna and I stumbled on the ground in a heap of exhaustion. Then a big shadow was cast on us. I looked up and saw a huge Godzilla like creature. I screamed and backed away as fast as I could from my position on the ground.

Marianna gasped at the creature and ran to me. I continued to scream, tears starting to flow out of my eyes."What are we going to do?" I cried.

"Sandra, Marianna! Get away from there!" our seven year old brother, Yance, shouted. We scrambled to our feet and ran to him as fast as we could. The monster began to Roar and walk towards us.

"What are we gonna do?!" I cried. Yance picked me up, and grabbed Marianna's h

Pacific Rim: The Second BreachOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora