Chapter 1

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Saraxx ><><><><

"Like a river to a raindrop, I lost a friend" I kicked a rock down the rained-out cobblestone road. I unleashed my hands from the jacket pockets, feeling the little droplets hit and spread like a disease. An old Oak tree awaited me at the end of the road with its soaked branches. I silently looked up at the dark cloud above, letting my face absorb the rain. I kept reflecting on what made me such a mess. Standing under this tree, I saw my sister. As happy as she could've been, playing in the pond and playing in the mud. I closed my eyes and replayed that song. I replayed every single second. "Through chaos, as it swirls" I winced at the dagger I felt in my chest. "It's us against the world"

While my mother was giving birth to my sister, a complication occurred. Her name was Rosie. From the moment she was born, I could tell she was so special. Right after birth, the nurses took her into an incubation center to monitor her closely. Supposedly, they knew what was going on but didn't tell us until it was too late. I shake my head just thinking about it. Rosie had Cystic Fibrosis. I remember the exact day we found out. We had gone into the ER for her seizures about six months after we took her home. She had 2 in less than 12 hours. My mother and I were so shocked. When Rosie was in a hospital room, sleeping, we were told by the specialist there that she wouldn't live past the age of 16. Mom broke down beside me and I found myself crying. How could my little sister be dying? I had asked every possible question about treatments and surgeries but all would be too risky and even shorten her life span. Naturally, my mother decided to go as long as we could without treatment. "I don't want my baby filled with science" I remember her saying. I never fully understood what she meant. There were times that I would have to sit Rosie upright and make sure she didn't stop breathing. I'd scream for my mother and she'd come in, speechless and fear-stricken. By the time she was 7, Rosie was running around the house and would run out of breath after a couple of minutes. I had to watch her a lot growing up because my mother put herself into two jobs to keep us all fed. I was pretty good about everything though, I wouldn't ask for money or presents. Rosie needed that stuff more than I ever did.

The sky turned dark blue, signaling my time to leave. I couldn't believe that someone so young could get taken away from everyone so fast.

I walked back up that cobblestone road and to my red car. I looked back once more to see her... The last tear slowly reached my shirt. I put my head down and opened the car door. "Are you looking for people to notice your band? Come on by Sam's Bay on September 23rd to give us your all and compete for the prizes!" Listening further, I found that there was a record deal involved for the first-place winner. I sat upright in my seat and called Cal right away. "You've reached CalPal, leave a message at the beep!" I dryly laughed at his voicemail. His face was so funny when he recorded it. We were practicing a new cover by Blink-182 and he took his phone out of nowhere just to record it. You can hear me laughing in the background if you listen closely. "Hey bud, I gotta talk to ya. Give me a ring soon." It was nice to drive back home on the side roads, I mean it was so peaceful. The trees were swaying because of the storm headed this way.

I pulled into the grass on the side of my little home. "Mom?" I carried in the groceries I had gotten on the way home. She came to the front porch door and smiled her motherly smile. "Oh great dear, you bought milk." I hugged her and took my shoes off outside. "Whatchya makin'?" I asked in curiosity. "Apple pie, love" She walked into the kitchen as I went to my room. Wow, I laughed at myself. It looked like a bomb had gone off in here. Clothes everywhere, bed not made, cans of soda on the desk. "Clean that room of yours Luke or no apple pie!" I gasped, rushing to the wrinkled sheets, folding and stacking against the wall. I turned the computer on and then threw out the cans. I heard a little ringtone on my desktop. Oh! Looks like Cal's on Skype.

"Hey, buddy! Got your message. Figured you were home by now, what's up?" His face could make anyone laugh and I mean that in the nicest way possible. "Bro, have you been listening to the radio?" I asked, excitedly sitting down on the worn-out chair. He looked confused. "No, why?" "At Sam's Bay, there's gonna be a showcase for bands! And first place gets a record deal, man!!" I yelled. "We're going right?!" Calum looked shocked and happy at the same time. "Hell yeah! But the only problem is we have two weeks to form a band.." I looked down at my fingers. "Hey, Luke, we got this! I have someone in mind for guitar, I've seen him play at some of the local bars" Cal smiled. I looked up and wondered what it'd be like with more than him and I. "What's the guy's name?" "Michael. He goes to school with us, man. He's also a pretty funny guy." he laughed, probably remembering an inside joke they had between them. "Alright! Get this guy over to your place and I'll come over. Tell him to bring the guitar!" I was looking forward to meeting this Michael guy. "Hey Mom, I'm going to Calum's, I'll be back for dinner" I grabbed my leather jacket and fixed my sleeve. "Okay, dear have fun! Tell Mrs. Hood I said hello!" She washed her hands with a rag as she waved to me from the porch.

"Hey! How's it goin'?" We shook hands. "Pretty good, how bout you bud?" I didn't see Michael. "Great. Come on, mate. Michael's inside, getting ready for our judgment" We both laughed. We've never really had to do this before and it's not like this is American Idol or anything. We need to get a band together and fast.

I could see the purple hair from Calum's front door. I laughed a little on the inside. He looked like a pretty chill mate but something was a little off about him. "Michael, this is Luke. Luke, Michael" Calum introduced us and we shook hands. 

"Alright, why don't you play something that we'd know" As he started playing his vintage-looking instrument, Cal and I both knew the song immediately. "When I come around" the purple-haired stranger sang.  I looked over at my friend and a little smile appeared on our faces. "Dude, we don't need to hear anymore" There was a short pause so the lad could stop playing. "You're in and I think I speak for both of us" Calum looked at me as if approving his executive decision. I nodded. There's still something off about him. I just don't know what it is.

                                 This would be the start of a long, long journey.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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