Chapter 1: Nightmares

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Chapter 1: Nightmares


The girl opened her eyes wide as she stirred herself up in the bed, gasping and trying to recall what she'd just dreamt. She was trembling, her hands shaking and her mind going in circles at the thought. Her eyes darted around her room. No one seemed to be there, apart from her boyfriend. He simply laid beside her, shirtless and facing the wall, his arms folded, his usual sleeping position. Besides him and her, the room seemed empty. Childishly, she stood up, only to kneel down on the cold tile floor to check under the bed. Then, as she realized nothing had been hiding under there, she moved to the closet and checked there. She could remember her mom getting up with her and doing the routine when she was a child, just to please her scared mind. She often had nightmares as a child, it appeared they'd never exactly gone away. Just gotten worse on some days and easier to calm down from on others.

In the closet, she could only make out the old pictures of her and the Pines twins, canoeing, discovering the unknown, and camping. She didn't think too much of it, but it did quickly calm her down. It was filled of lovely, and joyous memories. However, though their bond was very strong and great, she managed to lose touch with them. It may have been the distance, or just that they've grown, or that they grew tired of her. She wasn't quite sure. Nevertheless, she hadn't been around the shack at all. Let alone, talk to them.

The last time she talked to the pines family was pretty much the last time she talked to Soos, or Wendy, or Robbie. The only encounter she had with them was when she'd see Soos in the arcade. They often ran into each other. Their recent incident of doing so, in fact, was just a few days ago. She'd gone for the sole purpose of escaping from her boyfriend's complaining and while she was looking around he ran up and started talking. Of course, she felt awkward, but after she was very glad she'd ran into him.

She smiled, gently, the reminder going in her head of what he had told her about. 'Stan and Stanford are coming tonight. And, in a few days, so will Mabel and Dipper. Maybe...maybe our friendship can be fixed, after all.' She thought. She stood in a bra and underwear, a blanket wrapped around her body as she went to the window and peered out at the night. She could see the Greasy's diner lights glitching. "I just hope the dreams don't interfere with them." She spoke to herself softly.

"Stan! Watch out!" Ford spoke, clinging anxiously to the passenger seat. That only made the driver laugh.

"Oh shut it, I've been doing good all the way here!" Stanley spoke keeping his . They soon pulled into the driveway of their old shack. The view shut Stan up quickly, peering at the old shack. "Wow... It hasn't changed a bit."

"Stan, maybe we shouldn't be here." Stanford spoke softly, re-adjusting his glasses as they'd fallen off during the speedy and bumpy ride.

"What are you talking about?"he asked with a gasp, looking over at him. "We haven't seen the kids in years, why on earth do you want to leave?"

"Come on Stan. I mean, we're not even sure Bill's dead. And if he's not, where else would he be than here? What if we're leading the kids into a threat, Stan? It's not illogical, we don't know where he is. Or.. well, if he's alive or not." His eyes peered into his brothers.

"Stop it. Look, he's not alive. I mean, how could he be? Makes no sense. And if he is, somehow, well... well I don't know. We survived him last time, and we'll beat his ass this time too. And we're going to need the kids help with that." He got out of the car with a huff, sliding the keys in his back pocket. "Look, if we find out we're in danger we'll bring the kids back to their parents and go off somewhere, okay? But, we're fine."

Stanford nodded. "Maybe... I will be making precautions, though." He spoke and climbed out, popping open the truck.

"Heh, like what?" Stanley asked.

"Whatever I have to." Ford spoke. His brother just grinned, and put his free arm on his brothers shoulder in a loving manner. "It's good to be back, y'know."

"Yeah, Stan. I guess it is."

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