Meet the Girls

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To understand our story, you need to know my friends. The girls that will be writing in this journal with me are WAY more complicated than meets the eye. And that’s an understatement.

Krys Davis: The fashion diva with some serious sass, but DO NOT underestimate her, she has an athletic-stocky build and would take you down in hand-to-hand combat any time. Shopping is her game, just as much as spying is. She is the jokester of all of us, and knows when to lighten up the moment.

Gracie Adams: A master of lying and distracting, most think she’s sweet and innocent, but as her friends we all know better. She. Talks. A Ton. For the past ten years, Gracie’s been working on trying to train animals to spy for us in the field. That’s without complete success, so far. She’s often used as the decoy, as she can distract people easily and get away quickly.

Jaelyn Singh: The genius hacker and computer extraordinaire, she is better suited for lab work than field work, but if she needs to, this slender girl can sneak around very quietly. Then again, she is shy and doesn’t say much in general. The only time you’ll probably hear the most from her is when she is writing in her part of this field journal.

Kat Townsend: I am very athletic, I played soccer before in Roseville's city league before I was officially enrolled in the Gallagher Academy. I am, as you can probably tell by my last name, the daughter of Agent edward Townsend and Abby (formerly) Cameron. I take after my cousin Cammie Morgan, after practicing and learning so much from her, meaning I tail people and find myself best at being a pavement artist.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2014 ⏰

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