Chapter 7

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hello my readers! Well thank you for enjoying and I hope you continue to read and share! 


No, this could not be happening. How could there be another avalanche? What did we do that brought such unfortunate luck to us? I continued to stare at Harry speechless. He ran to the phone trying to make calls but it was completely disconnected. I made my way to the TV seeing if the electricity still worked but there was nothing. Nothing nothing nothing.

“Vanessa everything is out! This one completely covered us!” Harry said running back and forth checking every possible electric thing.

“Let’s just go to bed,” I finally said. All the energy possible was drained from me at this moment and all I wanted was to sleep.


We woke up to a dark cabin and there was no way I was ready to leave this bed. My mind pondered ways we were still going to make it. We had over a gallon of water stored, about a weeks worth of food due to the way we have been eating, and according to Harry the water was still somehow running. But only a little though because the pipes are probably getting frozen. The main issue was heat. Our killer could be hypothermia so we needed to remain warm. I cuddled next to Harry who was miraculously still just in his boxers, while I on the other hand was layered in clothing.

“Harry, babe, wake up,” I said. My watch read11: 21 A.M.and I was happy we slept a substantial amount of the day, we had nothing else to do.

“Wah, you feed Dusty mum,” he said swatting me on the face.

I burst out laughing, a little too loudly for my own good, I swear when this boy is sleeping he can be hecka funny sometimes. Yet he still remained asleep. So I decided to sing a wake up song to him.

“We are trapped in a cabin, stuck me and you. No one to save us only food. I do not want to be alone talking to myself in bed so I think you should wake! Oh curly haired boy for my sake, please please will you wake!” then I started jumping on the bed getting a sudden burst of energy out of nowhere. He just grumbles and I continue to jump up and down enjoying myself until he throws a pillow at my head!

“Oh heck no!” I shouted and throw it back at him. He finally sits up smiling a very cheeky smile at me and grabs the pillow hitting my legs with it making me fall on the bed.

“You’re gonna get it nipple boy!” I exclaimed and then we have a pillow war.

“Says you afro head!” he said back to me as we continue to pound each other with the plush pillows.

“Babe, check the mirror please, I think people would mistake us for twins,” I said getting him on the head. No one could blame us though, curly hair led to disaster bed heads.

Harry flips his hair, giving it no justice, then tackles me pinning me to the bed.

“Harold!” I pouted but he simply kisses releasing his grip on my arms and flipping me so I lie on top of him.

“I need to brush my teeth,” I said before we get into any open mouthed kissing.

“Good point,” he said then pushes me off of him and runs to the bathroom.

“Gee thanks!” I shouted from the bedroom as I make my way to the bathroom too.

We wash up, fix our hair and when we finished Harry picks me up carrying me back to the bed.

“I don’t want to leave this bed, this is the only place I feel we can leave the scary reality in and feel safe,” I said holding onto him.

“I know how you feel, but we do need to eat eventually,” he said then kisses me.

“Harry, we should cut down our meals, this second avalanche could have made the search halted for all we know, and we need as much as possible to survive,” I said terrified about our unfortunate predicament. He nodded his head in agreement then went back to kissing me. His hand made its way up my back and for some reason I did not mind. I continued to kiss him until he stopped.

“Today is Louis’ birthday,” he said pulling away. Then he began to cry.

“Oh Harry, please don’t cry, please,” I said feeling tears fill my eyes, but I pushed them back letting him have his moment.

“Why did this have to happen to us? Honestly we are not bad people but of course we get punished! It is my best mates birthday and I have no way of telling him how much I miss him and that I hope he has a great day. To even think he might be worrying about us on his special day just makes it worst,” he continued to sob and I held him in my arms.

I truly did wonder why this had to happen to us, it just did not seem fair. No matter what I knew we had to keep fate that we would get out and continue to believe that our parents will do everything in their power to help us.

I kissed him, not being able to help myself, he looked so perfect being so vulnerable. He pulled me close to him kissing me back then pulled away before getting ahead of himself.

“Let’s just relax and try to sleep,” I said feeling exhaustion hit me. Harry nodded again in agreement immediately falling into deep dream state.

“MERRY CHRISTMAS!!” I said the next day. Harry was able to sleep throughout the whole night till 6 A.M.the next morning. I on the other hand woke up at midnight on Christmas, praying that Santa would free us clearing the chimney. Sadly no such thing happened, so instead I devised up a gift for Harry, then fell back asleep with him.

“Christmas already?” he said rubbing his eyes. He looked wide awake from that days worth asleep, and the twinkle in his eyes that was lost yesterday, returned in excitement. His eyes complimented by his adorable dimpled smile that he had on his face was all I needed for high spirits. Shoot, all that boy needed was a bow on his four nippled chest and perfect!

“Yes! And I have a present for you! But we need to get ready first!” I said excitedly. After yesterday I wanted today to be nothing but fun and joy for us, plus I have gotten almost everything I wanted for Christmas this year. Even if I wasn't with my family it still had to be perfect.

Harry got up and said “Vanessa, I don’t have anything for you right now considering the circumstances.”

He looked sad but I reassured him and said “Don’t worry bout it I'm not that big into presents (lie) and anyways this is a present for both of us.” He looked at me confused and said “okay then what is it?” and he wrapped his arms around me excitedly and I gave it to him.

“Um a branch with leafs?” he asked.  

“No silly it’s mistletoe, unlimited access to these babies,” I pointed to my lips. Actually it was just a branch with leaves that I cut off of one of the fake plants, but I did need to improvise.

 “Best present ever, well besides you of course,” he said then he kissed me passionately. “I got everything I wanted this year,” he told me.

 “And that was?” I asked.

 “Well I wanted to be in a relationship with someone I really care about, you know? And I got that and it’s perfect, I feel like I’m living a normal, perfect life.” I smiled and kissed him and said “I got everything I wanted too.”

“Oh really” he said with a goofy smile.

“Yeah” I replied “I always wanted Harold Styles for Christmas.”

“Well Santa brought you your wish baby and you can do whatever you want with it.” He said with a wink and I threw a pillow at him. This was an absolutely amazing day, but by the end it was time to get back to reality. 

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