Aunt Padma Pt.2

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We are back in Priya's bedroom and now Priya is brushing her long, dark hair in front of her dresser's mirror. She is wearing a blue kurti with peacock patterns and a pair of sold black tights. Teddy, Priya's dog, is curled on the floor and Shadow, her kitten, is delicately draped across Teddy's soft back. The house is filled with the hypnotizing smell of jasmine as Priya's mom, Parvati, runs around the house preparing for their untimely guest. Priya jumps and drops her hairbrush as her mom bursts into her room for the second time.

Parvati: (slightly disgruntled and impatient) Priya! Are you done?

Priya sighs and bends down to retrieve her hairbush.

Priya: I'm not ready mum! Wait!

Priya turns towards her mirror again, but watches Parvati out of the corner of her brown eyes. Parvati's eyes narrow and she brandishes a wand from he waistband of her own kurti. Priya's eyes widen as she notices what Parvati is about to do.

Priya: (begging) No mum! Don't do it! You know I hate when you do that!

Parvati swishes her wand and the hairbrush flies out of Priya's hands. The brush starts to attack Priya's hair and quickly brushes it straight. With another flick of the wand, Parvati braids Priya's hair into an elaborate braid that extends down her back. Satisfied, Parvati tucks her wand away.

Parvati: (pleased, but still in a hurry) And this is the only thing I learned from that Lavender Brown

Before Priya can question who Lavender Brown is, Parvati sweeps out of the room leaving Priya to rouse her sleeping pets.


The new scene is set back in the living room where the maroon front door can be seen on the left of the fireplace. Priya is standing by the door with a hand on Teddy's collar and holding up Shadow with her other hand. Parvati is nervously arranging and rearranging the cushions on the large couch before the fireplace. Naveen extends a hand to prevent Parvati from freaking out. Naveen takes his hand and places it around Parvati instantly calming her. The doorbell chimes and several things happen at once. Teddy hops and barks with Priya in tow. Parvati jumps from Naveen's grip and goes towards the door. At the same time, there is yelling on the other side of the door. The door bangs open before Parvati can reach it and an eager 9 year old boy, Akaash, is smiling at the door. He has smooth mocha skin and jet black hair. His dark brown eyes twinkle with mischief as he proudly shows Priya his wand. Behind him, there is a disgruntled girl of 11, Chahna, with the same features as the boy, but softer and prettier. The girl grabs the wand from the boy's hand and hands it to her mother who is standing off to the side of the scene, obviously surprised. The boy runs into the house screaming. Padma, now pulled out of her shock steps forward with her husband, Aryan, closely in tow.

Akaash: (excited and lively) Priya! I missed you so much! I also missed Teddy!

Akaash throws himslef onto the dog and it is had to see who is happier. Priya drops Teddy's collar and turns from the joyous scene to her aunt, uncle and cousin. Padma, Priya's aunt, has already stepped forward and is hugging her sister, Parvati. Naveen and Aryan and shaking hands and laughing at both Teddy and Akaash. Priya's cousin, Chahna, walks towards Priya and pulls her into a fierce hug.

Chahna: (happy and genuine) I missed you!

Priya: (smiling) Me too!

Both girls release and step back when an muffled mew comes from between them.

Chahna: (incredulous) What. Was. That?

Priya, laughing, holds out her kitten, Shadow , in both of her hands. Chahna's face softens even more and reaches out to pet the bundle of fur. Priya holds Chahna's hands in place and sets Shadow down into her hands.

Chahna: (cooing) Oh...He's so cute! (looking slightly saddened) Mum said we can never get pets. She says they ruin the furniture and whatever excuses she has. She let me get the owl because I'll be off to Hogwarts soon.

Chahna rolls her eyes and the girls settle down on the carpeted floor.

Priya: (excited) When did you get your letter yet? I haven't heard from you in ages!

Chahna: Yeah, my owl got sick, but she is fine now. Well, I got it on my birthday, of course. My mum is happy and hopes she can somehow force me into Ravenclaw. (imitating her mom) You see, Ravenclaw is the smartest and only the smartest get the highest marks. (in her normal voice) Then, she got mad when I brought up that one Gryffindor girl from their year. Hermione Granger, was it?

Priya: (giggling uncontrollably) Just wait until dinner! I bet your mum and my mum are going to have another row about which house it better.

Chahna: (rolling her eyes again and giggling) Oh no...We can't have that.

Priya: (mimicking her mom) Gryffindor is the greatest! We are the bravest! We are the strongest!

Chahna: (jumping in the role of her mom) No! Ravenclaw! Brains over brawn! Brain are courage altogether.

Priya: Brains? Or crazy? What's the difference? We have bravery and chivalry!

Chahna: Bravery and stupidity? What's the difference?

Priya: You would think a Ravenclaw should know the difference...

Chahna: You would think Gryffindors should know better than to run into crazy situation!

Priya: Why would I want to be a feather head?

Chahna: Why would I want to be a clumsy lion?

The girls explode into a fresh fit of giggles and tears leak out of both of their eyes. They keep laughing even though their joke isn't that funny, or funny at all. The laughter in the girls subsides, but they are both filled to the rim with happiness. Priya wipes her eyes and looks around the happy room. Parvati and Padma, accompanied by their husbands sit on the couch chatting about who knows what. From the other side of the living room, Akaash finishes wrestling with Teddy and perks up.

Akaash: (persistent) Mom! I'm hungry! Can we eat?

Teddy also perks up and whines in a mirror image of Akaash. Priya and Chahna glanced at each other for a second before doubling over with laughter once again. Shadow slipsfrom Chahna's grasp and bounds over to the adults for protection from the crazy girls towering over him. Padma scoops up the kitten and holds him in her lap. Padma is about to tell her child off, but Parvati interrupts before she can say anything.

Parvati: (joyfully) Let's have lunch!

Priya and Chahna, still laughing hard, take each other's hands and head for the kitchen table. Priya has a feeling that the day was only on the brink of the best day ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2018 ⏰

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