The Meet.

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Flurry of colours will best describe the woman rushing through the long hallway screaming at the people in the elevator to hold it. Petite... no, more like small. She could pass for a 16 year old. She slid into the elevator a kind man held for her and muttered her thanks with a smile. A wide, infectious, too honest smile,

" i should call Yumn, i need my look book.. gosh did i forget my look book again? Stupid! Stupid!! Stupid she muttered as she rumaged through the large heavy bag barely hanging on her shoulders.
"Can i help... the man who held the elevator for her spoke from behind her. She startled before she remembered she wasn't the only one on the elevator and that she was speaking to herself outloud again.
Offering a small smile she looked up at him. It felt like she had to look a very long way to see his face. And for some reason that annoyed her a little.

"No".. it came out a bit more snappy than intended.

" suit yourself" the man with the pretty eyes said as he leaned back and continued whatever it was he was doing on his fone before he offered to help.

"Su feenah manya! Yanzu me yayi kike neman cire kanshi.. she hissed a little under her breath. Nothing wafeeqa Abdullateef hates more than the little miss judgina in her head.
She opened her mouth to apologise but the ding of the elevator signifying arrival at a floor interrupted her. Two ladies who were engrossed in some hushed up conversation walked off, leaving her with pretty eyes. She just remembered she didn't even press the button for the 10th floor which was were she will be getting off.
She did, then turned to say sorry but he was on a call.
Maybe its better she keeps her apology to herself. She hates apologizing after all but had to do it a lot. If she wasn't apologising to keep peace, then she was apologising because she had the bad-good luck of picking Yumna as her best friend and business partner. Yumna got them into a lot of sorry saying moments and the hard headed girl seems to have lost that word in her vocabulary so feenah finds herself apologising on her behalf a lot.

That's us, the voice from behind said and she looked at the control panel. Looked back but avoided looking up. She didn't come to Bosch shipping to sprain her neck. She came for a meeting with the CEO. Mubaraq Muhammed Funtua.
She said thank you and stepped off, headed straight to the reception desk and stated her reason for being there and the necessary information she had to give. She was shown into a large conference room and asked if she needed refreshments and  was left alone all in less than 5 minutes.

A call to Josephine, her assistant,to scan and email the look book and another call to yumn to confirm the figures on the qoutation for the Bosch shipping retirement party for the former CEO and she was ready for the meet.

It was 10 minutes later and Mubaraq freaking Muhammed asshole couldn't bother to show up. Another 10 minutes and i swear i will be putting my foot up his ass and down his throat... and like on queue the door opened, and there was pretty eyes walking into the room with an apology on the tip of his tongue.
"I'm sorry i kep..." it died on his tongue and he continued with a new sentence. "You"!! They both said at the same time.
Yes!! Me! Mubaraq said.. all the while eating up the distance between him and the conference table.

"You are Mr. Mubaraq Muhammed Funtua then, if i may pressume"? Feenah said, a little nervous about her curt reply earlier. This was why she was never a rude person on principle. She never gets away with anything.

Instead of giving a reply he barked an order. Sit! He said, and took his own seat.
"Mr. Mubaraq, I'd like to start off by..".

"Mubaraq. Thats the name. Use it. And lets skip the chit chat shall we"?
As if feenah's opinion didn't matter he continued...  "get started. I am on a tight schedule".

It was on the tip of feenah's tongue to remind him that he was the one who wasted her time, and she equally had a tight schedule. But that's more like something yumn would do and she'd naturally have to apologize on behalf of her friend for. So she said nothing and proceeded to the crux of the meeting.

Two minutes into it, the lady Feenah met at the CEO's waiting area walked in and headed straight for her boss. She whispered something in his ear. And he took a quick look at his watch and nodded.

" i'm sorry miss....? The CEO asked without looking at her.
"Waf....".. feenah started to reply.
I have to go, i have an important meeting. He cut her off again.

"Reschedule the meeting with the welfare department will you"?
Before she could put in a word he said
" they'll get back to you, with my approval and a budget".

"So, basically that wasn't a question. What bug crawled up your ass and made you mad"? Feenah muttered under her breath.

Before she could put in another word, he was out and the only sound was the swish of the doors.

She felt like she needed someone to help close her mouth. It's been agape for the past... how many seconds or minutes now? the super Ahole walked out on her meeting without letting her put in a word.

She was mad ok! Like yumnah's mad 3 on a scale of 10, which for feenah was a lot of mad. She had to take some time to compose herself before she walked out of the conference room, grudgingly made another appointment with the head of welfare for Bosch shipping, Mrs. Ngozi Malvin. and sulked all the way back to SĚRÉNDIPITY. The business she, Yumnah and Sarah built from the bottom up and which currently occupies 90% of their lives. Infact it took over their lives and even though feenah could only guess how her friends turned sisters feel about SÉRÉNDIPITY, she was sure in love with it.


This is a first book of the Serendipity trilogy. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as i enjoy writing it. Please vote and comment. Oh.... and please recommend too. Thank you.

This book wouldn't be unpublished half way through writing it. Most of the chapters are unedited but it's still a good read. Please support me with your votes n comments.

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