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Editors note: Hello there! I stopped writing this story a long time ago, but I wrote the third to last chapter of the story, so here it is ! Thanks if you have support. If not, then that's cool too

Yuri Plisetsky

Third last chapter of: Our Symphony
Kousei's POV
I ran as fast as I could to the hospital. But when I got there, I received the news. She was gone. I couldn't believe it, even though it was obvious she had no time left. I guess that performance really was our final goodbye...

I walked out of the hospital in tears, trying my best to hide it even if it's practically impossible. Then, in the distance, I saw (Y/N) right across the road.

Should I tell her? Or should she just find out herself?

Many questions in regards to her concern about Kaori started flooding my mind like a tsunami. After thinking of all the possibilities, I finally decided to go up to her.

I honestly don't understand why she'd just be hanging right across the road from the hospital when she could just be at the park or somewhere like that.

I cross the road and get a better look of her. She appears to be listening to one of the pieces she plays while drawing the beautiful cherry blossoms surrounding the area.

She then notices me walk by and then comes up to me.

"Hey Kousei! I was just about to go check on Kaori. Would you like to come with me?" She asks

I take a deep breath in and reply:
"Oh, about her..." I started. I felt my chest tightening and tears forming in my eyes. There's no going back now.
"I'm so sorry to say this but..." I continued. However, it was impossible to finish the sentence. Tears roll down like waterfalls.

I then hear something I was afraid of hearing. I can hear her sobbing. I look up, seeing her face in tears as well.

"I... I can't.. What? This can't be real..." She tries to say something else but fails as she falls down on her knees, burying her face into her hands.

"We all knew it was going to happen eventually" I say, kneeling down trying to comfort her.

"I know! But she couldn't stay just a little longer?! I never even got a chance to say goodbye!" She replies, crying even harder than before

I try my very best to hug her. However, my last attempt got denied as she got up and ran away.
Was it something I did?
Hopefully, nothing bad happens to her.

Your POV
This can't be happening. Why her? Why now? I can't believe this...

I run through many streets and sidewalks until I finally find who I was looking for. Yuri was standing near the giant cherry blossom, violin in hand. It appears that he was about to put his things back before heading back home. I used this opportunity to my advantage and sprinted towards him, yelling his name.


I run into his arms in a huge embrace. He can clearly feel the tears rolling down and the pitiful sound of my sobs.

"(Y/N)! What's the matter? Are you okay?" He starts to ask, clearly concerned about me

"Yuri...Sh-she... Kaori's... gone." I say, endless tears still rolling down my eyes.

Then, something I never expected from him just happened. A single tear fell from his eye. Followed by a couple more until he was drenched. He was full out crying. And nothing was going to hold him back.

"Why now?" He started. "Couldn't she have left later... or better yet, never?"

It hurt to see him like this. But instead of calming him down, I continued crying with him.

Stay strong. Please.

We both dropped on our knees, my head buried in my hands with Yuri's head resting on mine.

We sat there for about thirty minutes before Kousei found us. Yuri and I got up, dusted ourselves off and walked home, in silence.

Yuri' POV
I never got to see her one last time...

I had to try my very best to cope with this situation. One of the select few people in the world who actually cared about me just died. For some reason, I feel like it's all my fault, even if her sickness was no where near related to me.

Why does everyone I love leave me so soon?

I took my violin and went to my bedroom. I found one of the pieces that she absolutely adored: Love's Sorrow.

Ever since the piece was introduced to me, I've been trying to play it in a sense that she'd play it. Similar to the original but with my own personal twist.

I placed the music in front of me and positioned my violin. Then finally, I start playing. The melody flows all throughout my body. It was like I became one with the song.

All of a sudden, I hear a voice. I'm currently unsure of who's it is but it sounds awfully familiar.


"Who's there"

"Yuri, it's me. Kaori"

I keep playing while trying my best to keep in touch with the voice


"Look, I'm so so so sorry for leaving you without any notice. I'm taking to you right now to make it up to you"

"Make it up to me? What do you mean"

"Here, I'll play this piece with you. One last time."

Tears slowly start forming. I smile gently, trying to blink them away. However, I fail to do so and continue playing.

"F-fine. I'd really like that"

"I know you would"

After she says that, I can hear a second violin being played. It was hers.

"What happens if our interpretations of the song aren't the same?"

"Just keep playing it. It's still the same song. It just has something unique that we have placed or changed. Nothing much."

At this point, tears can no longer be held back. So do the questions.

"Why did you have to leave so soon?"

"Well, we all have a set time and place on this earth. I guess the universe decided to cut mine short..."

I could physically see her tears rolling down her beautiful face. We both kept playing until finally, we were close to reaching the end of the song. All of a sudden, she starts fading away.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"My time here is up I guess...heh.."

"I'll miss you so much!"

"You know I will too... And Yuri, I love you"

Those words hit me like a bullet. The fading figure approached me and then finally, kissed me goodbye.

"I love you too, Kaori."

The last note has been played. The figure has disappeared.

Kaori Miyamoto is now gone. Forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2018 ⏰

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