Part 7

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You groan before sitting up on your bed after hearing baby Cheonsa cry in the middle of the night. You rub your eyes and wait until you don't feel dizzy anymore before standing up and scooping the baby in your arms as you sway lightly while trying to put him back to sleep.

Minutes later, Cheonsa calms down. You were about to place him back to his crib when he was about to cry again, making you carry him back in your arms and play with him.

It's already three in the morning, an hour had pass since your baby woke you up from your slumber. You try putting him to sleep but the baby still doesn't want to and has a lot of energy to play. You just play with him, his little and adorable giggles shooing away your sleepiness and tiredness. His toothless smile making you smile too.

You're currently laying on the bed with Cheonsa sitting on your stomach as he holds both of your point fingers with his little hands and plays with them. He even tries sucking them but you always pull your fingers away from his mouth saying that, "No! It's dirty," in a playful yet serious way.

Hoseok seems to hear the giggles coming from the child, making him awake from his sleep and find Cheonsa slapping your cheek and giggling, probably trying to wake you up since you unknowingly and unintentionally slept on him in the middle of your playtime.

It's already five in the morning, an hour before the usual time you and Hoseok wake up. He takes Cheonsa off your stomach and plays with the little angel until Cheonsa finally finds his tiredness and falls asleep in the warm arms of his father.

Hoseok kisses the baby's forehead then places down the little boy on his crib and goes back to bed, pulling you closer to him as he waits for the clock to tick Six in the morning and turn off the alarm immediately so that you'd sleep peacefully and rest.

Author's note:
The struggles of being parents and having a baby. (I'm not a parent tho. I'm too young to be one)

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