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Here's the introduction of the characters! 

Hinedere                                                      The eldest of the deres (only by a few months) and the considered leader of the group for his level headed behaviour and ability to be objective by putting personal reasons aside

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Hinedere                                                      The eldest of the deres (only by a few months) and the considered leader of the group for his level headed behaviour and ability to be objective by putting personal reasons aside. His icy blunt Personality and sarcastic remarks make people distent themselves from him and quickly whilst making enemies with those who view it as arrogance or a threat. He can act exstreamly harsh if in a bad mood or given reason to, which can grab a certain yandere's attention so beware. However he is known to hold a more softer side with his slight teasing and sarcasm aswell as being quite encouraging.                                    He never wished to become the leader but quickly did so with the other options that were at hand. He'd much rather wander the streets of Grimm and find something to do along the way but now with the dreaded title of the Hinodere, his new name given to him by the queen for the sign of his crimes, made it hard to do so without people calling out or ushering away. In other words a nuisance.                      He hates having to spend more than what's needed and will always try to find the 'cheaper' way' to the dere's disappointment. Especially when it comes to: Oujidere's extravagant and overpriced clothes and materials; never willing to buy second hand, Kamidere's dates and gift for his owls and 'adoring fans' that ain't even practical (which gets even more on his nerves)hi, Deredere who is to kindheated and naive for his own good, giving most of his money to anyone who ask and being ripped off and tsundere who he has to bail out of trouble basically everyday and that isn't even half of it. To the point he has put a budget on them and hides the money with Dandere, the least likely person they'd check.

Oujidere:                                                      The second oldest dere yet the most, extravagant out of them all, which he says is his way of showing that he is at a highest status an so he looks Nothing like the dumb peasants, most...

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Oujidere:                                                      The second oldest dere yet the most, extravagant out of them all, which he says is his way of showing that he is at a highest status an so he looks Nothing like the dumb peasants, mostly referring to Deredere, tsundere and any fangirls.                      Even though he is often seen pinching the bridge of his nose with a tired sigh, questioning how he even got into this mess to begin with. he is kindheated and exstreamly chivalrous, manners being a exstream importance (when address him of course) but is very self centered with a blunt arrogance that he calls being 'honest' and was one of the reasons he was in the mess that he is. He has a keen observant eyes and knows before anyone if anything is wrong, however he will not push anyone to speak and is a good listener.                  He is known for his aura of importance and his artistic and tailor skills which he prides himself on most, which is the only useful as they're the only skills he has that could come in use, as he is adamant on not doing any commoners work.      He is mostly seen in his study (bedroom) making clothes or artworks, preferably left alone but he will discuss matters with Kamidere for mindless gossip or a game of chess, even if he is disgusted by the boys flirtatious behaviour and lack of humility.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2018 ⏰

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