Chapter 1

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"Rachel, it's a boy. They don't bite. Well, they do sometimes, but that's not the point."Me and Emily have been friends for as long as I can remember. She's my sister in a way. You see I was adopted. My mom and dad just left me on Wrighte's door step one day. I grew up thinking they were my parents until...

"Jane we have to tell her one day." Mr. Wrighte, the person I thought was my father until the age 12. I'm 16 now. With my birthday coming this Friday, they still haven't told me. You see I was kind of sneaking around that day looking for my phone. I had lost it and if my parents found out I lost it I would be in some serious trouble. I was in my dad's study looking for it because I thought that's where I lost it. While I was looking for it though, my parents were opening the door to come in. I quickly slid under my dad's desk. I was there when my dad said that.

"I know I just don't think it's time Walter." Mrs. Wrighte said.

"It's been 12 years and she still doesn't know she's been adopted." I was so confused. What was dad talking about. I thought.

"She is going to eventually start wondering why she looks the way she does. Everyone in our family has dark black hair. Her hair is golden blonde. Jane if we don't tell her soon she may find out and its going to hurt her so much more if it doesn't come from us."

That was the end of that. In a way it did come from them but they just don't know though. It's been 4 years since then and they still haven't said anything. I suspect that they think I already know or that I don't have a clue. Anyway back to my friend Emily. She is trying to get me to do the impossible. Ask a boy out."But what do I say. Every time I try to say something I freeze up."

"Just go up to him and say 'hey Paul. I'm Rachel and I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime.' There done and done." That's easy for her to say. Emily is the type of girl who dates around.

"Emily I'm not you. I can't just go up to a boy and say that. Especially not Paul." I stare down at my hands. They were getting sweaty just from thinking about it.

"Either you do it or I'll do it for you." I look at her. I know she's not kidding. Emily does stuff without even worrying about the consequences.

"Ok, ok. Damn you're persistent sometimes."

Emily started making that victory smile. "It's for a good cause."

Before she could say anything else I get up and began making my way over to where Paul was. He was sitting on the bricked ledge that surrounds one of our school's giant oak trees. He was tossing some bread from his sandwich to the birds that come visit our school in hope some nice person like Paul would feed them something. Luckily he was alone. At least I won't make a big fool of myself in front of people if he turns me down. Paul was the one of the popular people at my school.

Good old Michael the Great Academy. It's been around since 0 A.D. ,or at least that's what it says on the big cross in the center of the school courtyard. The school use to be a farmhouse back then that was used for school for six days of the week and the seventh day it was used for church that everyone was required to go to. They found a way to preserve the cross since then. It is our school's pride and joy. As the time went by though farms were less needed so when they took the barn down they decided to build a school. The school got bigger over the years, and now there are over one thousand students here. The only reason I know all of this stuff is because I had to do a report on it last year for my sophomore English ll final.

I didn't even know I was right in front of Paul until I was there. He looked at me when I got there with his dark green eyes. I guess I was starring to long or something because he says" Do need something, Rachael?" He knows my name?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2014 ⏰

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