Yes you the idiot with his a hand up

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            I walked into the 7th period class with folders in my right hand and slammed them on my desk adjusting my glasses as I did. "Alright he, she's, and zies, let's get this class started," I paused looking around at the student's amused faces. "I am your teacher Mx. Kogane your language arts teacher as you must have noted from your schedules," I took my seat propping my feet on my desk, and called on a student who's hand was raised. "Yes you the idiot with their hand up," they started to stutter. " Speak up I can't hear you," I growled, a bit annoyed. " Why is your honorific Mx.?" they squeaked. "Ah yes the same question every year. Well, kids I am genderfluid you see," I stated and the usual whispering and 'what's that?'s followed "Genderfluid is when one's gender fluctuates from gender to gender. And I find it easier for you guys to say Mx. instead of switching honorifics constantly." The usual monologue every year since I started teaching.  "Well let's carry on with class, as I said before this is a Language Arts class, not a Q&A Mr. Evans" his hand went down. I droned on for a bit talking about what we would be doing in class. "So, any questions?" around ten hands went up. "Ms. Grace," I deadpanned "What is your gender right now?" she shouted. "Currently I am male,".
"Mr. Bennett," "What is the homework tonight?" A groan rose in the croud. "Oh thank you for reminding me!" I held up a pilr of papers. "This is your homework, it is a worksheet that you are supposed to fill out about yourself it is due TOMORROW YOUNG'NS! Don't forget to turn it in." I rolled the papers up and slapped them against my palm.
"Mr. Johnson hand these out please," I called on a student in the front row. I handed him the papers. He stood up almost falling over his chair and began to pass them out. "Any more questions? Yes, Miss Cole?" "Why are you so open with your students?" she asked, clearly uncomfortable. "I am open with my students because most teachers are closed off from their students and don't get along with their students well." The bell rang " Alright class see you tomorrow DO YOUR HOMEWORK!" I began packing up my things to head home when I heard a knock on my door. "Come in," they opened the door and ran behind me covering my eyes with their hands "Guess who," they sang. I turned around and placed my arms snugly around their waist "What a pleasant surprise," it was my boyfriend, Lance, he was also a teacher here at Westboro high. I leaned in for a kiss and I closed the gap standing on my toes to reach him. I pulled away and went back to my desk leaving him there "I'm almost done packing up here," I closed my laptop and put it in my bag along with a ton of papers and slung it over my shoulder. I turned around to face him. "Alright let's go," we held hands and walked out the doors of the school into the faculty parking lot, and walked over to my bike. I put my bag on the back and tapped the seat behind me hopping on and strapping on a helmet. I revved the engine and pulled out of the parking lot. He held tight to my waist and rested his head on my back. When we got to our apartment it was quiet outside. I parked, and grabbed our things walking inside starting our four flight climb. The elevators were always broken so no one used them. We came to our door 314. I pulled out my keys and stuck in the apartment key. When the door opened I was hit with a wave of a familiar smell, it smelled like rain and old drywall. I took off my shoes placing them on the shoe rack and went into my office setting my bag on my desk that was currently spattered with papers. I walked out to Lance pulling spaghetti out of the cupboard. "Oh, spaghetti spaghetti!" I squealed like a three year old. "Yes spaghetti spaghetti." He mocked. I stood behind Lance wrapping my hands around his waist resting my head on his shoulder. "You're gonna burn yourself,"  he scolded. "Worth it." I whispered into his ear.
            Lance took the pot off the stove and set it in the sink turning around and pulling Keith into a waltz turning up the music on his phone. They began to dance around the kitchen occasionally stepping on the cat prancing around their legs. Keith pulled Lance into a kiss and it slowly became a heated make out.
             I pressed Lance against the wall and licked his lips asking for entrance and he complied sticking his tongue in my mouth. It tasted like strawberries and vanilla ice cream. He grabbed my long hair that was slowly becoming a mullet. My hands grasping at his waist pulling him closer to me. We broke apart a string of saliva connecting our lips. I looked into his silvery blue eyes getting lost in the ocean of freckles spattering his nose. "Your beautiful" I whispered.
"Right back at you." I went back in for another kiss and he gave me a peck on the nose then went back to the spaghetti. "It's overcooked and I'm blaming you"

Heyo this is my first story here and I hope you enjoy it, I won't be updating super often because I have school but I'll try my best see ya.

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