Elsa/Jack POV

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Elsa POV 

At the hospital after getting check in and all that 

"Follow the light with your eyes" the doctor says

I do as told

 Then he says " well, I've done a thorough exam, and the CT scan was normal. Everything looks good" he says

Then Jack opening the curtain and says "so she's okay?"

Then the doctor says "out" and he closes the curtain.

Then the doctor continue to say "there's no sign of head trauma and you don't have a concussion"

I say "then how come I threw up?"

The doctor says "maybe it was something you ate or maybe it was a reaction to meeting that doofus"

Then Jack opens the curtain and says "it's a curtain, Nick. I can hear you"

Nick the doctor says "no, no you can't"

I say "wait you two know each other?" 

Jack says "yeah. He's my sister's husband"

I then say "so I can go now"

Nick says "yes, but I want you to put an ice pack on that bump until you get home. I'll be right back"

I say "ok"

Then Jack's phone rings and he just stands there

I say "are you going to answer that?"

He says "yes" then closes the curtain again.

Jack POV

I answer the phone call.

It was my mom.

I guess my manager is at the house with his daughter's and I have to go home.

I was going to leave with Elsa thou the waiting room when Nick come and says "that might be a problem because my waiting room is filled with big guys with big cameras"

"The paparazzi found me. Great. Ok Nick what kind of car do you driving?" I say

"Nothing you'd be interested in. I'm still paying off six years of medical school" he says

"Perfect. How about a trade?" I say

"No" he says

Then I pull out my car keys and says "only happens once"

"Ok" he says

Then we leave the back way and drive nick's car which is my car now.

As we were driving the engine backfires

Elsa exclaiming saying "are you sure this is safe?"

"I'm pretty sure"

Then car backfires again

"I'm pretty sure it's not"

"Just calm down, ok"

"I don't wanna calm down! I wanna go home! Ok" she says hitting me with her ice pack.

"Ow! What is wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me. Nothing, I'm looking forward to being ground until I'm 30"

"Oh, is that why you're so crabby?"

"I'm not crabby"

"Oh, not crabby. Defensive"

"I'm not defensive"

"See. You disagree with everything I say"

"Do not"

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