Chapter 1

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I play music because it helps me write.

I woke up to the sound of someone screaming listening closer it sounds like a woman screaming. I look over to my alarm clock to see it's almost 4 am it's too damn early for this shit. I look around my pitch-black room seeing the phone blink that I got a message. It's probably my friends wanting to get together and party. Sighing I get up because a woman was screaming so there must be something wrong right? No, I just care because it's a woman. Even though she's probably screaming at her boyfriend.

I go to my floor-length window and pull the curtains back to see a woman screaming as loud as she can. Her voice was hoarse as warm tears streamed down her once beautiful face of makeup, her dress torn and covered in blood as her once alive friend is being eaten by the dead. I see his blood everywhere and a chunk missing from his jugular that explains all the blood. Then I look next to the woman that's when I see a boy my age with her he looks scared, panicked even. Which is understandable, looking back to the one eating the person then it clicked. We're all going to fucking die and it's by those fucking things. The living dead, walkers, zombies, the I don't care monsters!

I look at them as that monster started getting closer opening my window I yelled out to them, "Get over here now before they get you!" The boy sees me first grabbing the women's delicate hand and running as fast as they can across the street to my second-story window. He helps lift her up so I can grab her and pull her in, once she's safe I look out and see a walker closing in on the boy so I grabbed his hand as fast as I can and pull him in yelling at the woman to close and lock my window she scrambles to get up and to the window when she does she closes it and locked it pulling the curtains closed. Her back rested against the window but when she heard a loud groan she moved away to rest on the wall.

After a moment everyone sighed before the woman turned to me and said: "Thank you for saving me and my little brother." Her voice gets quieter before she starts to cry I move to get up but realize the boy was on me holding my shirt tight I wrap my arm around his waist, sitting upright with him in my lap then pulled the woman into a hug with me and the boy as they both cried. I waited a bit then realized that the zombies might hear them so I told them to stop because the zombies can hear them if they are too loud. I tell them to try and contact their family or friends to see if any of them are still alive. Dark I know. I got up and grabbed my phone and saw the notification I got was not from one friend but from a news reporter I followed and went to new uploads to find a video. I tell the two of them to come to me as I sit on my messed up bed.

The boy sits really close to me still shaking so I grabbed my blanket and wrapped it around him and pulled him to my side the woman smiled and sat next to me sitting just as close to me. I can tell they're both scared I mean they saw someone they both knew die in front of them. I clicked on the video and see a man messing with the walkers the boy's eyes widened and he grabbed onto my shirt and gets closer to me so I wrapped my arm around him and made him sit closer to me.

After the video, the boy is crying the woman is trying to reach their parents but it's a no go I figured out some stuff like the walkers are blind they only react to sound, not blood because with a chick in the group that would be bad because you know girly parts are different ...Soo..... they bleed like it's called a period duh. So it's good that they don't react to that kind of blood at least. I also found out they only react to zombie blood so they stay in a big group mostly until the blood smell is gone for the most part.

I get up and tell them we need to find food, weapons, and girl stuff the boy looks at me weirdly like he doesn't know what that is and the girl gasped. "You understand why I say we need that stuff right? Because all the stores will be raided by the time we need stuff so let's get all the stuff we need now and find a place that's safe." I said the boy shakes his head and says "What if we run into someone and they want to hurt us?" "We're not going in blind I have guns and knives we can keep and hide on yourself if we need them we can use them, but try not to in front of other people," I said.

I grabbed three shirts and three pairs of pants and give them to the boy and girl clothes to change into I was about to leave when the girl said it's fine if we all change in here because it's safer so I stay and we all change our clothes. I turn around to find the boy holding up my pants that are too big for him around the waist at least so I grabbed my belt and gave it to him he thanked me and puts it on. "Soo... how are we going to get to the stores?" The girl asked me "By car since we can get more stuff and it provides some shelter." The boy asked what my name was and I say Jay well it's a nickname but just call me by that name "So what are your names?" I asked, "I'm Anne and my little brother's name is James" the girl said smiling.

I walk over to my closet and grab the two pistols with silencers I gave the siblings one each before grabbing my other pistol. I asked if they shot one before and they both said no but the girl said she does know how to use them. I nod unsure and told them to aim for the head and if they are having issues to have a strong emotion while aiming since it would help. Walking out of my room I head to the kitchen and pull the refrigerator out to then pull the piece of wood from the wall exposing a slim doorway. I went in noticing the boy behind me with his mouth opened as his eyes scan across the small armorer I had. I didn't have many guns in here since I didn't own that many since I preferred knives and swords which he soon noticed as his face paled. He backed up and was close to leaving the small area when his sister walked up behind him gasping as she looked around. "I got done making sure everything was locked and the blinds were closed." She pushed her brother back in to get a better look at everything before glancing at me. "Do you know how to use the guns you have?" She asked before turning to the wall, "Surprisingly yes I do know how to use them but most, in my opinion, don't need that much know-how." She smiled at me before taking one of the smaller guns and looking through the scoop before setting it back in place. 

Glancing at the boy he was looking at my knives but when he caught me looking at him he quickly glanced away. He turned to his sister before standing next to her as she kept looking at everything. Pulling out my bad I start to put all the ammunition in it before zipping the pocket it was in close and then putting the guns in. The siblings watched before the sister went over to the knives and started taking them down and setting them on the table. She glanced at me as she reached for the swords as a way to ask for permission I just gave her a nod before handing her a bag to put them all in. 

After cleaning out the armorer the siblings decided to raid my house for anything useful. We put the bags in my room in case we needed to escape from the window. As I looked through the knives I took some out for everyone in case they couldn't use their guns. I put my knives where they were supposed to go and went over to the siblings telling them where to put their knives. 

Walking back into my room I pull my mattress up and pulled out my baby. I situate the sword on my back making sure it's securely attached to me. I hear the siblings' footsteps coming closer and turn when I hear a gasp. "Are there any more weapons or is this the last one?" The girl said before coming closer to me looking at the sword. I smile "There are more I can't keep all of them here since it would be unsafe and too dangerous."

As I look over the two I see the boy had his knives thrown about him and with a sigh, I walk up to him. Grabbing his waist I pull him closer before lifting the back of his shirt up to fix the knife. After that, I back up to then bend down to fix his pant leg. When I got done I stood to see the boy blushing as he stared at me shocked, and his sister giggling. He mumbled to himself before glaring at his sister who just laughed more whipping her tears before claiming down. When he kept glaring at her and me just standing there she smirked before looking at me "He likes you!" He screeched before closing in on himself finding this entertaining but knowing it had to end I cut in on their bickering. "You should wash your makeup off it's scary," I said with a smirk as her face morphed into shock before rushing off causing her brother to laugh. 

Grabbing my duffle bag I start putting as many clothes in as possible before zipping it up and looking around for anything I want or need. After rechecking the house and coaxing the girl out of the bathroom I look out the window. 

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