Snickerdoodle [Thomas Brodie-Sangster]

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"What are you going to miss the most about each other after this is done?"

"Oh there are so many things that all of us have gotten to love about each other it is hard to just pick one thing."

"Okay, you have a point Dylan. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of leaving each other."

"Oh I know what Thomas will miss." Kaya giggled while raising her had smiling brightly at Thomas who had been sitting next to her.

"Oh yeah? What's that?" He asked curious at the girls sudden shout about it.

"[Y/n]...'s.... snickerdoodles." Thomas's face changed ever so slightly into what seemed like a panic before returning to his calm but yet playful self at the end of her sentence. He smiled and shook his head.

"Yeah, you got me there. I will never love another person's snickerdoodle as much as I love [Y/n]'s." he confirmed glancing at you who sat a whole table away.

"Oh My God! Her snickerdoodles are to die for." Dylan exclaimed raising a hand up high as he glanced at the audience. "I think I'll miss those too. How do you make them?" he asked only to get a shake of the head and shoulder raise.

"The same way most people make them I'm sure. I don't know." you replied giving a little laugh.

"I honestly think that this whole cast is going to miss her food when she's gone." Dylan added.

"'Specially Thomas." Kaya claimed under her breath before he gave her a slight glare and glanced towards you. This was the last event that you and him let alone the rest of the cast would be together until possibly the next movie. Your character had died though, and he was sure you weren't coming back like all the rest were.

~The start of the next film~

"Seriously are you okay? You have been sulking around for a couple of weeks now."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Just not used to this weather." Thomas claimed knowing that it had nothing to do with the weather. Everyone seemed eager to be together again, and he was glad that they would be too, but it wasn't a full reunion. You weren't there.

"Thomas, you can't lie very well. Come on man, tell me what's going on?"

"Dylan. I'm not in the mood-"

"You're never in the mood. Weeks now, remember? Oh I know what might cheer you up. A trip to the bar. How about that? Shooting is done for the day anyway, it won't be too bad."

"No. I don't feel like it. I think I'll just try to find something to eat and sleep." With that Thomas left Dylan and walked to where they had a car driving people back to the hotel they were staying at. He wasn't the only one going back since shooting was over but he definitely was the quietest one. He was always quiet, but not this quiet.

Dylan shook his head before getting in another car and driving somewhere else. He just couldn't understand what Thomas's problem was, he wasn't like this in the last movie.

An hour or two passed and Thomas was sitting on the bed flipping channels on the television they had in the room. Nothing was catching his eye, nothing at all. Placing a beer bottle to his lips he took a swig before lowering it once more. Out of no where a knock at the door caused him to jump and glance towards the thin wood. He looked away waiting for whoever it was to leave and believe that he had went out with the others only to have the knock more persistent. "I know you are in there, just open up."

Thomas took another swing of his beer before setting it on the night stand and walking to the door with a sigh. "What?" he asked opening it not liking the fact that he was interrupted from doing nothing.

"Here." His eyes looked down at what was being presented.


"[Y/n] would always bring you some that she made, but since I can't bake and don't know where an oven that I can use it you'll just have to deal with these store bought ones." Thomas looked at the treat tired and not at all amused. "Just eat one." Dylan insisted giving him a plead. A sigh escaped from Thomas's mouth before grabbing the box and walking into his room leaving the door open for Dylan.

"Thanks." He muttered opening the box and taking one out. He offered one to Dylan who shut the door and walked in taking another. They both bit into it and had a sour face before swallowing. "Well.." Thomas started licking his lips a bit. "The gesture is appreciated. I don't know which store you bought these from but they sure are dry." he commented placing the cookie back into the box before moving it off the the side.

"Yeah. I guess [Y/n] is the only one who can make these things right." Dylan muttered giving a slight laugh before discarding the one he had in the trash.

"Yeah." Thomas looked down and crossed his arms before leaning against the wall. "Too bad she isn't here." His voice was low and his expression turned back into what it was before the cookie.

"That's what this is about isn't it?" Thomas's eyes grew before glancing towards Dylan who sat in one of the seats in the corner. "You miss [Y/n]."

"No!" Thomas said quickly before trying to correct himself. "I mean, of course I do but, I mean.." He looked away as if ashamed that he had been missing you as much as he did. "Yeah. I do." he admitted feeling like he had to be honest and come out with it already.

"Hm. Well why don't you try talking to her. I'm sure you can find her on twitter or something right? Just see hows she's doing."

"I can't."


"I said I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because... Because what if she's busy shooting another movie or something already? I mean I'm sure she's made plenty of friends already, she probably wouldn't want to talk to me."

"Thomas, that makes no sense. What would make you think that? I'm sure she'd love to hear from you. I mean you guys were really close during the last shoot."

"Thanks mate. Could you get out now so I can sleep though? We have to shoot tomorrow and I think I'd like to try to be on time this time." Dylan opened his mouth only to shut it and agree to leave telling Thomas to have a good night before closing the door behind him. He thought of how to make his friend feel a little better. An idea arose and so did a smirk as he walked down the hall towards his own room. He was going to help Thomas whether he wanted it or not. 

Thomas Brodie-Sangster OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now