Pretty Curtains

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I really enjoy the red and blue curtains that hang on the walls of the bedroom upstairs that's next to mine but not too far away from my grandma's nasty, gross old room that smells like damp cigarettes mashed into an old jar of her barettass peach reserves. And yeah I know barettass ain't a word, but I swear to god that's what her room smells like: a barettass, dusty-ass, moldy pocket stuffed with wet cigarettes and peach jam. It's why I'm glad that my room isn't the one with the curtains. No, my room is the one with the plain gold cream curtains and the matching ornate fan I use to blow away the stench of old wet peach ass that gets in sometimes. I love that fan, if not for it I would probably die.

Anyway, my room and grandma's old shit room will not ever be as close to pretty as that darling room with the long, carnivorous in their beauty, red and blue curtains. They're so damn pretty and prodigal that not even the real royal family can own them, or touch them; they just couldn't get their hands on these, funny as that sounds. I know it's real funny, because when my dad tell's it, he laughs real hard at that part, and I wonder why i'm not laughing too, but I'm not of the good mindset yet according to him. According to granny i've only got seven out of ten screws in my head, which keeps the lights from going off.

Anyways, I say anyways a lot, and I grazed the curtains with delicates of my finger while standing in currently the darkest but undoubtedly the prettiest room in the whole house, even better than mama's, but I think to myself: this ain't even soft.

"Granny why ain't this soft!" I yell into room behind me.

She shouts back... nobody can translate the things she shouts back anymore, but she's got all the answers, that's why she always shouts back. Anyways, I got my hands on them, not even something the royals could do, so surely this means that I've got at least a few more screws than daddy and granny thought?

One day, I'll have some kids and they'll have a new room to share that won't really be new because it'll be granny's old room that I made new for them, and I'll tell about how I went in that room and touched those damn curtains, and how it was something no one else had ever done. When I tell that story to them, and see the awe on their round faces, using all their little screws to put it together, I think I'll laugh.

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