Brekky (Bri x Rekky Fanfic) : The fanfic no one has been waiting for

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A/N: Bri x Rekky is my friend Bri and I together. It's everyone's OTP. Everyone loves us together. If you don't like us together, then you must be a Rekky x Watch Guy.  Enjoy! I regret nothing.

Brianna palm's were sweaty, she wanted to confess her love to Rekenna. Brianna had feelings for Rekky since the beginning of time.  Today was the day she was going to tell her love to Rekky.

 Brianna was at the park, were she told Rekky to meet at 4 pm. Brianna was wearing casual jeans, a SNK T-shirt, and purple sneakers, Rekky's birthstone colour.

Bri started to worry when Rekky wasn't at the park at 4 pm yet. What if Rekky go stopped by her Ex? Or by the Watch Guy?  What if they were confessing their love to her.

 Then Bri stopped worrying when she saw her. Rekky was in Jeans, and a plain black T-shirt. Rekky hair was in it's natural messy state, as if she just woke up. Bri chuckled to herself, thinking of cute Rekky looks.

"Bri!" Rekky yelled as she hugged brianna tightly.

 Bri hugged back smiling.

"Rekky, did you just wake up?"

Rekky blushed slightly when I noticed, but who couldn't? She is such a beautiful angel.

"Y-Yeah." She answered me, still blushing.

" I have something to say to you..."

 She tilted her head in curiosity. 

  I moves some hair out of her face, she seemed happy for being awoken from her sleep. She is usually very grumpy when she wakes up.

 " I don't want those guys being with you anymore,  Rekky. I want you be mine, please?"

 Her eye brighten with joy.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

 Rekky and Bri hugged each other tighter.



"Swiggity Swag"


 They laughed happily at each other. They knew where they belonged....

with each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2014 ⏰

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