Chapter 1 (part 4)

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He fidgets a little, before answering, "Well... it was changed to the.. Jesse show.. remember?"
"Oh.. right..... I'll go reset the date. Thank you Stampy!"
He smiles, and waves me off,
"No problem!"

A) Citizens
B) Citizens 2
C) Meet Lukas
D) Go to castle
E) Re-schedule founding day

Waving back to Stampy, I turn away and go talk to some of the citizens that provoked me last time. The blond male turned towards me and immediately smiled and came over to me, "Jesse! I'm so glad you're back! It was really scary. You-I mean he- threatened me and my friends... it's good to have you back!"
I nod, and smile, having a guilty conscience, since I was the one who threatened him...
"Hold on, Ron,"
I call him by his name,
"We'll fix Beacontown, and you'll never have to be scared again."
I say, tapping his shoulder.
He nods and excuses me, after which I turn and look over to the path heading out of Beacontown, over to the forest, and the castle, wondering which way Lukas would go.
I'm guessing the castle, since he wouldn't go all the way home to read the letters.
...or would he?
Deciding against it, I start walking towards the massive red structure, which is already being replaced to its original build.
I smile at how the people care about the small town, and make it grow everyday. They even take care of the smallest details, I say as I pass Rueben's memorial, noticing the flowers.

I quickly walk up the stairs, and into the... office... the Admin changed it from the throne room. I should stop thinking about what he changed. Beacontown is different now as it is.
"Oh, hey Jesse."
I get thrown out of my thoughts by Lukas's voice, and walk over to him and Radar.
"Hey. How are you doing?"
"Um.. we're good. Is... is Beacontown okay?"
Radar answers.
I look at him, and then glance at Lukas, who is speaking,
"Yeah... they had it pretty rough..."

Y: ...

A: They're sad                  B: They are happy

X: They're okay

Lukesse Ship StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang