Spin the bottle

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New chapter time!

So I am going to Oz comic con next Sunday and I am so excited :D I don't know whether to were my Dalek dress (from doctor who) or my Simmons cosplay.... What do you all think COMMENT and tell me :3 anyway enjoy the chapter

Skye: Sooooooooooo you know what I think?

Ward: What?

Skye: I think we should play spin the bottle!

Triplett: No thanks

Ward started to look excited

Ward: Yeah we should!

Ward: I hope it lands on me and Skye

Ward whispered to himself

Skye: What?

Simmons: Oh Ward said....

Before Simmons could finished her sentence Ward put his hand and covered Simmon's mouth

Ward: Oh haha I just said....... how excited I am!

Ward said awkwardly

May: Yeah sure that's what you said

May rolled her eyes

Fitz: What's spin the bottle?

Simmons: That's what I was thinking

Fitz: Ugh do I have to search it up again?

Skye: NO no need for that

Ward: Don't worry Fitzsimmons you will learn as you go along

Ward said patting Fitz and Simmons on the back

Coulson: I sadly know what this game is about

Simmons: Sounds fun

Simmons said enthusiastically

Fitz: Is this a drinking game?

Simmons: Yeah because last time Fitz was drunk....

Fitz looked worried

Everyone started laughing

Coulson: It's nothing like that....

Fitz: Oh thank goodness

Fitz said relieved

Skye: Anyway let's get started

Skye spun the bottle and it landed on Skye

Skye: Oh it landed on me how exciting!

Ward was chanting some words that weren't in the English language

Triplett started pocking Ward on the face

Triplett: What is Ward doing?

Coulson: I don't want to know.....

Skye spun the bottle again and it landed on Fitz

Ward: DAMN IT!

Ward said disappointedly

Fitz: So what happens now?

Fitz said nervously

Skye: Well...

Ward: I volunteer as tribute!

WAHAHA what happens next dun dun duuuuuuuuuun

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