Tuesday The 3rd of January

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Hello and my name is Penelope Cruz and this is my diar- Journal! Definitely journal. Anyway I have decided to write about my adventures with my new notebook. (Thanks Lavender.)

New year means new you right? I mean I guess I could start with gaining more confidence.

But alas! Here I am, 5'2 awkward and not very exciting to talk to. But this year, this is going to change. This year, I'm going to be liked by everyone and I mean everyone.

So today started off as it normally would, I wake up. Of course trying to avoid my mother as we didn't really have the best conversation last night. You see, I came out to her yesterday, but, let's just say it didn't go to well...

Ok, long story short, she told me that being gay was 'trendy' in this generation. I have to disagree, although I do believe that being different is a lot more acceptable now, whether it be race, sexuality, religion etc. But still pride and trend are two very different things.

Anyway after getting ready (which only took about five minutes) I decided to head out.

It's just been the Christmas holidays so I was a little bit tired. I walked to the bus stop as lively as I could, yet out of the corner of my eye, I could see that people were looking at me. Probably because of my new haircut.

Oh yeah! I almost forgot. In the holiday I got my hair into a pixie cut for charity.

Anyhow, fast forward to when I got to school, I met up with my friend Morgan, who recently came out to me as non-binary.

We walked into the school where we were greeted by the rest of our friends: River and my girlfriend, Madison. God! She's so beautiful, she doesn't think so but she truly is.

I held my arm out for a hug. Of course she completely ignored me, it felt like that song by Enya, how does it go? Oh yes.

"Who can say where the road goes..."

We settled Down and talked about fantastic beast and where to find them which just so happens to be my new obsession.

"So guys what did we all think of it?" I asked eagerly.

"Oh my god!" Morgan squealed. "I loved it! And Queenie though."

"No way Newt is way better, he's so cute and sweet!"

"Madison, you already have a girlfriend!"

"Shut up River, Penelope doesn't mind. Do you?" Madison asked, putting an arm around me.

I shook my head, the truth was that I too had a big fat crush on one of the characters and her name was Tina Goldstien. She was hot as hell! She had these beautiful brown eyes and lovely pink lips and pale skin *ahem*....

Anyway back to the topic of my girlfriend, Madison. She's like the real life version of her, although I'd never admit it out loud, she really is.

She had these hazel eyes, well I say that but I don't really know what colour they are. She has these cute freckles and ahh! She's so effing cute!

"Hey guys!"

We turned around to see our friend Addison. Well we say that but, let's face it, she doesn't like us and we don't like her.

"Hi Addison." I beamed to the slightly taller girl.

"Are you working tonight?" Addison asked smiling.

"Yeah, of course I am, you?"

That's when Addison decided to look away.

"Well, I was hopping that you could tell Cali that I can't make it."

"Again?" I said rolling my eyes. "This is like the fourth week now. I can't keep doing this on my own."

"Well I'm sorry! It's something I can't get out of!" Addison yelled.

"You've been saying that for the past four weeks."

Addison and I had been working at a local shop and café since September. But Addison had been wriggling out of her duties. I wish she'd either just commit or quit, its getting out of hand.

💌English 2:10💌

So moving on to halfway through the day, in English. My English teacher was staring at me. Probably to do with my new hair. It would be creepy but as he is my squishy, its not that bad I guess.

Ok, side note. A squishy is an asexual attraction that I have adopted. It's basically a person you want to be friends with.

So there's this boy who sits next to me called Marty who has a crush on both me and Madison. He used to sniff my hair and stuff. But today he said something a little different.

"Hey there Penelope." Marty said with a deep breath.

I bit my tongue and braced myself. "Hey Marty!" I said through gritted teeth. I was not mentally prepared for this.

Marty sat himself uncomfortably close to me as he twirled his greasy hair around his finger.

"You know, Penelope. I really like you, but I don't like your hair, it looks weird."

I was like "thats coming from you sweetheart." But I said that inside my head, so no one heard it except me.

"Thanks mate." I groaned, rolling my eyes. I was too tired to put up with him.


So, put it like this, I really don't like P.E that much. And today was particularly difficult to get through. You see I'm trying to come to terms with my gender identity. So when the teacher split us up into boys and girls, I was having a bit of a crisis. Nevertheless I went to the girl's side.

We did fucking gymnastics!

Oh and then we had sex education with an old woman... Oh my god.

So after school I went to work where I just sat on the floor and cried. Before mopping the floor and leaving.

So that's was my first day, I'll probably talk about my day tomorrow. This seems fun.

See ya later guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2019 ⏰

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