Chapter 9

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Time till the weekend seemed like an eternity to Lena, but she had to be patient, there was no other way. Patience is always bliss, so much she knew. And on Saturday evening, Bughuul appeared in her house again, as promised. But this time he brought something with him.

"Here, this will help you to rob your victims of all the ability to resist," he explained, putting a small bottle of some strange liquid on the table. The liquid had a suspiciously bright green color, it could be called phosphoric. Lena had never seen anything like that before. It looked like some glow stick liquid, but this was something much more serious than that.

"Oh, so that's how the chosen children drugged their families before killing them," Lena said, studying the peculiar bottle. "And how soon does it work? I mean, how long do you have to wait until the victims are drugged?"

"Yes, exactly," Bughuul replied. "The effect of the drug is fast. Even if you add just several drops, the victim falls unconscious in ten minutes, even less. This is a very strong stuff, keep it in mind. It affects the human organism very fast. The more you add, the faster your victim loses consciousness."

"Okay, good, I'll remember that."

"And here are the stakes and the hammer," he said, putting several metallic stakes and a large hammer on the table near the bottle of drug. "The one you use to drive nails into the wall will not do. You would need a larger and stronger hammer to pierce a human body with a stake."

Lena lifted the hammer to see closer, but it did seem rather heavy. The stakes weren't that light as well.

"Damn, heavy stuff," she said, shaking her head and puffing air out.

"Yes, and for a reason. Remember that this stuff is going to be used on human bodies."

"I know. I just wonder if I'm strong enough to succeed. That will not be easy."

"No worries. Just like with the chosen children, I will control your actions, and you will be as strong as you have never been in your life."

That made sense. Lena could never understand how small children could kill adult people so easily, especially in Stephanie's case. Now this got clear.

"I see," the woman said, putting things down. "So, what else do I need... I think I would need to tie them up with something while they are unconscious, and tape their mouths up. I keep the tape in my cellar, so it will come in handy for sure."

"All right. And don't forget to prepare the camera before killing," Bughuul reminded her, as this was also an important part of the ritual, although Lena still couldn't fully comprehend the point of that. "I will be watching you during your meeting. You won't see me, but just for you to know that I will be there. See you tomorrow then."

"Yeah, see you," Lena replied, and the demon vanished. All she had to do now was hide all the things well and wait for tomorrow...


The next day was crucial for Lena. Today she had to commit a murder with her own hands. She still doubted whether all would go smoothly, but if Bughuul is near at that moment, there shouldn't be problems. But one thing still occupied her mind. What would deputy say? How would he react when he finds out about all that happened? She was sure that after the murder, Bughuul will take her away to his netherworld, just like he did with all the chosen ones. He had never left anyone in this world, not a single time. And her case would not be exceptional. But, remembering all what deputy did for her, all the help he provided, she felt guilty in front of him. So Lena took a small piece of paper and quickly scribbled something on it, in hope that if deputy tries to look for her, he finds the note she was going to leave for him.

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