Meeting your starter

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It was a sunny day at Twinleaf Town ten-year-old (Y, N) is going home from the Pokemart with his mother when he saw a Ralts that is hurt. (Y, N) went to where Ralts is. Ralts looked at (Y, N) with a scared look.

"Hey, are you okay?" (Y, N) asked the Ralts.

Ralts looks at (Y, N).

"Here son give this to the Ralts." mom said to her son.

Mom gave (Y, N) a max potion. (Y, N) used the max potion at Ralts. Ralts looks at (Y,N) and hugged his leg.

"I think Ralts wants to be your Pokemon, son." Mom said to her son.

(Y, N) looks at Ralts.

"Do you want to be my starter Pokémon Ralts?" (Y, N) asked Ralts.

Ralts nodes her head.

"Here son." Mom said to her son.

Your mom gave you a Pokéball to catch Ralts. Ralts touched the middle of the Pokéball and it shook three times then stopped. (Y, N) grabbed the Pokéball.

"Yes, I caught Ralts." (Y, N) said in an excited tone.

(Y, N) and his mom went home.

The next day

(Y, N) woke up and got ready to start his journey. (Y, N), his mother and Ralts are having breakfast. After breakfast (Y, N) went to get his stuff to start his journey. (Y, N) and Ralts said goodbye to his mom and start walking to Professor Rowan lab. While (Y, N) and Ralts are walking Ralts starts saying something to (Y, N).

"Ralts Ralts." Ralts said to (Y, N).

"What's that Ralts you want to be on my shoulders." (Y, N) said to Ralts.

Ralts nods her head. (Y, N) grabbed Ralts and put her on his right shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2018 ⏰

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Zoey X Male Fairy Type TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now