the walls « three

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"Yo Grayson, look at this meme -" Ethan laughed and pushed open the door to Grayson's bedroom, turning the phone so that Grayson could see, when he stopped dead in his tracks. The smile fell off his face, and he stared. There was a girl in Grayson's bed.

Grayson's arm had been around her, but they sprang apart in surprise when Ethan came in. Grayson slowly began to turn red, and the girl looked uncomfortable. Ethan felt his face grow hot, and he quickly put his phone in his pocket and began to walk away, mumbling "Uh - sorry - uh . . . "

"No - wait, come back," the girl's voice called. Ethan stopped and turned back around, scratching his neck awkwardly. Grayson was still red, but he slid off the bed and began to walk to Ethan, murmuring, "It's a long story." 

He stopped a few feet away from Ethan, and they all stood in a sort of awkward triangle, looking at the girl, who was still sitting uncomfortably on the bed.

"I - " she began to say, but stopped. She suddenly looked frightened, and began to look around at the walls as if searching for something. Ethan followed her gaze, his heart racing, and as he watched her he realized that there was a sound coming from the walls. It started off quiet, but slowly grew louder and louder, a dull thumping as of an enormous heartbeat, pressing in around them. He looked at Grayson, panicking, to see that he was mirroring his own expression. He stepped closer to Grayson, and suddenly the floor tilted.

"What the fu - " he yelled, as he tripped over his own feet and began to slide across the room. He found Grayson's hand and grabbed it, yelling above the thumping, "What the hell is going on?!"  

"I don't know!" Grayson yelled back, and then the girl appeared next to them, and caught both of their free hands.

"Listen to me!" she called above the uproar. The walls grew tighter and tighter around them, and Ethan began to feel like he couldn't breathe. "Hold on to my hands, and whatever you do, don't  let go!"

Ethan gripped her hand in his as tightly as he could, and he squeezed Grayson's with the other. He had no idea what was happening, and the thumping grew louder and louder, the walls seeming to invert on themselves and spin, until at last all he could do was press his eyes shut and hope with all his might that they weren't about to die. Just before everything went black, he heard the girl whisper,

"They've come for us."

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