
13 2 10

my best friend got in a fight :(

i already talked about it to someone but i feel like i need to talk about it again.

the simplest way i can give it to you:

my best friend is a boy and he likes this girl but she rejected him. stupidly, he still likes her. he was talking to me when he saw a dude pushing the girl he liked and he got mad and even after i tried to hold him back, he went over to them and the dude must have said something because my best friend swung and my best friend never swings first.

and i shouldn't be hurt because i wasn't the one fighting and i don't want all the attention on me so i don't tell my best friend but it hurts knowing that even after you tried to prevent something, it goes and happens away. especially when that thing is your best friend and even after he promised to never see him fight again, he did it anyway for that hoe ass girl.

i guess even fake girls are more important than your sad best friend.

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