prolong: the birth

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      Today was finally the day john had been waiting for. John and his wife tayler where finally going to have their baby girl lola. Tayler had finally gone into labor. John helps her to the car and quickly sets off for the hospital.
       Once arriving they take her back into the back room. John head in after getting into the doctor uniform to help deliver his baby girl to the world of the living. John holds his wifes hand as she pushes trying to get the baby out. The doctor urges her to breath snd keep pushing. The babies cries are finally heard johns expression changes to pure happiness as his smile grows. The sound of a loud beep is heard as john turns around. Before he could grasp what had just happened the doctors escort him out of the room. John stands on the other side trying to process that his wife had just flat lined

(This being the prolong this is not the writing style of this story)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2018 ⏰

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