chapter 2

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Currently, today is saturday night.
"pass the chips" Zack says.
"you are right next to them zack!"I yell.
"Yeah but... I'm playing Fortnite" Zack says.
"So?" i say. "So, I'm concentrating so hand me the chips you Nonce."
"I can't believe you're skinny."i say
"Hey! I work out every few days."
"Days?" i question
"Days, months, same thing!" Zack yells.
"You're so stupid." I say as I walk to my room.
I just chill in my room for a bit, watching Idubbbz.
as I go to turn my Tv to watch Youtube on there, I realize. Where is my Tv?!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2018 ⏰

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