15: Rolling Dice

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Whoooop! This story just hit 100,000 reads (and a bit) as I'm uploading! Thank you so much! :)

I know this one is the later side of on time, but my boyfriend and I were having another Supernatural marathon (season three, whoop!) but anyhow, hope you enjoy this one :)


Chapter 15

We’re sat in some pretty pricey Italian restaurant at the mall, when my cell phone trills with the tone I’m slowly coming to recognize as my text message tone. (Seriously, it’s hard to get used to, having a cell phone. I keep forgetting about it, and when it rings, half the time I think it’s someone else’s.)

                “Oh!” I exclaim when I suddenly remember that oh yeah, that annoying chirping noise is my cell. I apologize, thinking I must seem rude answering my phone when we’re out at lunch. “Sorry.”

                “Don’t worry ’bout it,” Melissa says. She herself is tapping away at her purple BlackBerry.

                Wiggling my phone out of the back pocket of my jeans, I tap the button on the screen to bring it to life again.

                ‘One new message: Bryce Higgins’ it reads.

                I actually drop my phone, I’m that shocked that he text me. I mean, I hoped he would, and the girls said he would but… I guess I just didn’t expect him to. My cell makes a clatter as it tumbles to the floor. I hope it’s not damaged – and I really, really hope I’m imagining people looking at me for making a scene in the restaurant. It wouldn’t surprise me if everyone else here is shaking their heads at me, the foolish klutz on table nine.

                Hoping for the best but expecting the worst doesn’t seem like the best way to live, but it’s worked for me so far, at least.

                I dive to the floor to pick up my cell phone. It’s fallen underneath the table, and I reach for it. When I come back up, I whack my head on the table. Of course I do.


                If I wasn’t making a scene before, I such as heck am now. Wonderful.

                “Shoot,” I mumble to myself, rubbing my temple as I sit back up. I smooth my hair out.

                “You okay?” Tiffany asks, biting back a laugh.

                “Mm.” I turn my cell phone over in my hands, inspecting it. It doesn’t look scratched or broken, at least. That’s good. Then I click the button to bring the screen back to life again. I let out a sigh of relief when it does come back to life and I see I haven’t just killed my cell.

                It’s still there on the screen: ‘One new message: Bryce Higgins.’ Like it’s teasing me or something. My breath catches in my throat as I hit the button on my cell to open the message.

                “Who is it?” Summer asks me.

                I don’t answer at first. I can’t. I can see the message Bryce has sent me on the screen, but I can’t seem to read it. I see the words, but they’re not making any sense to me. I shake my head to clear it.

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