Songfic - Xephian Rebirth

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As the title suggests, this is a songfic. 

Based on the song "King" by Lauren Aquilina.


(Sorry for not posting on wattpad in a long time. Tumblr stuff and writing stuff so yah... sorry.)


You’re alone, you’re on your own


Rythian dropped to the ground as the nuke began to beep. His purple eyes frantically looked around him for a moment, hoping against hope that something was there that would protect him, that would tell him that he had gotten it right that Blackrock Stronghold wasn’t going to be decimated by the bomb, that… that he could live and forever stay in Blackrock Stronghold, growing old with his love that he never had the chance to tell his feelings to.

And now he never would.

Nobody was here, nobody would be and he would forever stay alone just like he had started, forgotten in the land and perhaps thought dead. And now he would be dead and nobody would truly care because he had never let anybody close to him, never let anybody come close to the emotions he kept hidden under lock and key.

Only his dead sister had been able to get past his walls.

Everybody else he cared about was dead.



So what?

Have you forgotten what you have and what is yours?

Glass half empty, glass half full

Well either way you won’t be going thirsty


Rythian looked back on his life, on the things in his life; finding his sister, finding out he was the Prince of the End, the lost dimension once known as the Kingdom of Dawn. He had precious few pictures of his sister and him, or him in general. He had even less drawings of her and him and even less of the trio; dinosaur, brother and sister; all together.

In the precious few seconds he had before his flesh was ripped from his bones and his bones from each other, he grasped the locket he kept around his neck. It looked like an ender eye, he had to be truthful. But inside he kept his four favorite pictures.

One was him. He was smiling softly and didn’t have the usual rigidness that he usually kept around people. His purple eyes seemed to shine from the piece of parchment.

The next was of his sister, smiling widely, red hair (how she got that he had no clue) all over the place and by the way she stood, it didn’t seem like she had a care in the world. She never seemed to have one. With her right arm she held a baby mooshroom, a mushroom sitting on the poor creature’s head.

The last was of the mute dinosaur, his bow slung over his back and his quiver only half-stocked because he couldn’t care at the moment. Teep was smiling as well as a dinosaur could and looked content with his situation. Rythian sighed softly, looking over at the fourth picture held inside his magic locket.

It was a secret drawing, one he had never shown anyone and the mage never planned to. He couldn’t after all, come back from the grave.

It was of Xephos, blue eyes twinkling, smile soft and reassuring as he looked off on some distant future. The spaceman. Just how Rythian always saw him when he went off to Honeydew Inc. with the feeling that he would finally actually befriend the man that he had spent so much time watching… but returning home with a lonely look that only meant that he been too cowardly.

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