Demon OC

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General Info: 

First name: Mizuki

Age: unknown but appears as about 25

Date of birth: N/A
Race: Demon
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Current residence: Shinigami realm 

Traits of Voice

Accent (if any): N/A
Language spoken: English
Other languages known: N/A
Style of speaking: Deep, seductive 
Volume of voice: moderate

Physical Appearence

Height: 5"0
Weight: 130ish
Eye colour: red/blue
Skin colour: Grey
Shape of face: chiseled teardrop 
Distinguishing features: Scars, Freckles, eyes 
Build of body: Thick, hourglass shaped
Hair colour: Dark Purple
Hair style:  Half up, Half Down
Complexion: Pale
Posture: straight 
Tattoos: N/A
Piercings: Ears
Typical clothing: Something moderately revealing
Is seen by others as: seductive 


Likes: Blood, Drama, Death, Apples
Dislikes: Humans, being bored
Education: N/A
Fears: N/A
Personal goals: to start trouble
General attitude: 7/10
Religious values: death? 
General intelligence: 10/10
General sociability:7/10


she is a demon, not much to say. but if a human is to summon her, she must help them with what they want in exchange for a soul or a death of some sort.

Love interest (if there is one): depends. OcxOC would be another demon-type OC, she is used for death note aswell and it would be Ryuk 


Peaceful or violent: violent
Weapon (if applicable): deathnote/ notebook of manipulation 
Style of fighting: killing


Favourite types of food: apples
Favourite types of drink: blood
Hobbies/past times: killing, watching the human world
Guilty pleasures: Death
Pet peeves:
Pets: Dallas (her demon dog) 

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