‹ Goodbye ›

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"Im Jaebum,

Do you remember all the things we did together? You were my first everything, and even though I wish I didn't like it, I can't lie to myself. I wish everything had a different end, but, unfortunately, I can't go back in time and change it.

Everyone knows that a one sided love can't end up well. I was hoping that you somehow started to feel the way I did. But why would someone like you love someone like me? We're way too different. Complete opposites don't attract, they need to have at least something in common. And we didn't have it. I thought that our love could be that something, but you never loved me back. You never cared enough. And everyone knew that, except for me. It took me a while to realize that.

It's not your fault, it really isn't. I'm just so fucking stupid and I was so blind. I'm sorry that you lost some of your time with me. I'm sorry that I'm not good enough for you. I'm not even good enough for myself, what was I expecting?

A lot of shit changed since we ended up. You know that laugh you said you hated? I stopped laughing, so I guess you wouldn't hate me that much now. And I also stopped smiling. Unfortunately, I didn't stop loving you. Pathetic, right? I know. I hate myself as well.

I hope you're doing well. But, why wouldn't you, right? It didn't mean anything to you, and you're probably with that Jinyoung guy. I wish he can make you happy and all. You two look great together, you're both pretty and popular, people will love seeing you two together. And he kinda resembles you in some ways, so you have things in common, therefore you will be okay.

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