‹ lucid dreams ›

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Jaebum's pov

There it was again. That feeling. The guilt taking over my senses. Then I saw you. Right in front of me, looking into my eyes. They looked empty, and you weren't smiling like you used to.

"Why are you here again? Please, stop this, I can't take this anymore."

"I can't stop this. It's all in your head. You know it."

I saw the gun in your hand and tried to get up so I could stop you. But I couldn't move, no matter how much I tried. There were ropes keeping me in bed, keeping me from taking that gun away.

You moved your hand, pointing the gun to your head.

I knew what would happen next, so I closed my eyes.

"I just wanted to say goodbye."

And I heard the gun, then your body falling to the floor, lifeless.

Tears started falling, running down my cheeks, I woke up, everything still replaying in my head, every little detail stuck in my head, forever. Everything so vivid that I started doubting if it was really just a dream.

So, I decided to do the epilog!

I hope y'all like it, it's really short tho.

Thanks for reading this. :)

goodbye • 2jae ¡oneshot!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin