Fight for him/her

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um hey  I have a question

 If you want to be with someone and they think they are bad for you, would you stay and convince the person to be with you or would you live it alone and stay friends?

Please answer in the comments


so yeah I have a problem and its a problem that I feel like its my fault. I have a "friend" of mine that I like but he thinks he's not good for me. My besty says stay and fight for him but I don't know what to do.

so anyway update on my life

so I'm at home lazy #lazysaturday

but yeah nothing special just I was about to fight a boy and I'm gonna gradute on June 1

So yeah can do me a soild and hit that star up on the page it really helps me update and comment your answer so I can know what to do

and thanks for reading this. It means a lot to me that you took your time and read this. I give you my gratitude .

so bye

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