Step Three: Not Get Lost

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        I checked my phone for any messages. A stupid comment from Wyatt, a picture of Weston’s sleeping, drooling girlfriend, and a “how are you” from Mom. Uhh...

        An excited knock brought me back to earth from my reverie. “Come in!” I called.

        The door opened a crack, and Aimee peeked in. “Can we go to the park, now?”

        I grinned. “Sure, Mimi!” Grabbing my bag, I followed the energetic twelve-year-old to the door. “Uncle Jesse, Aunt Arabelle, Aimee and I are going to the park now!”

        Aunt Arabelle poked her head from the kitchen. “Which one?”

        I turned to Aimee for help. “Which one, Mimi?”

        Aimee pointed at the door. “The one with the playground.”

        “That’s not very specific, Aimee,” Aunt Arabelle scolded. “Besides--”

        “I believe she means Juniper Valley,” Uncle Jesse looked towards Aimee lovingly. “You know how to get there, right? Don’t get lost. Scarlett has probably never been there before, so you need to guide her.”

        Aimee rushed her goodbyes and began dragging me towards the shoes cupboard. As Aimee struggled with her laces, Uncle Jesse handed me a map, putting his finger to his lips to indicate that it was a secret. “In case you get lost.”

        A few moments later, Aimee and I were standing outside of the apartment complex, milling around with the thousands of other people out there. Immediately, I felt panic. Where were we? Which side was this north that the mysterious map indicated?

        “Scar, Scar, it’s this way,” Aimee pulled me towards an intersection. Tucking the map into my pocket, I followed obediently. After crossing the street and turning multiple times, we passed through a parking garage, then an alley, a candy store, a library...

        I fished through my pocket for the map as we waited at a crosswalk. “Aimee are you sure we’re going the right way?”

        “I-I think so...” Aimee pouted, looking around. “It...I thought...but--but--” Her lip was quivering, and I could see tears start to form. Oh, no, no, no.

        “No! It’s okay! I’m sure it is around here!” I quickly comforted her. “I’ll find it for you, okay? Don’t cry--it’ll be okay.” Aimee wiped her eyes and held onto my hand. As I unfolded the map, the words “Manhattan Borough” popped out at me. I could swear...

        Apprehensively, I turned to Aimee. “Um...Aimee, do you know what borough we’re in?”

        “We live in Queens...” Aimee looked up curiously.

        I gulped nervously. Okay, let’s do this. A burly homeless-looking man passed, and I looked beyond him, towards a young couple coming this way. Grabbing Aimee’s hand firmly, I approached them.

        “Hi, I’m new to this area--do you know where Juniper Valley Park is?” I inquired, looking at the couple. Muffled by the honking and the whirring, my voice never made it to their ears. They kept walking, and I was left in the middle of the street.

        “Scarlett,” Aimee tugged on my sleeve. “Let’s ask the people in that store.” She pointed at a CVS down the street, and I immediately took her up on the offer. Yes, yes we would go to that store--it was better than getting ignored again.

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