That Girl

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You and Zoro have been dating for some time now about a year or so really. Right now you were out at a bar with him and the rest of the crew just partying. It was like any normal day. That was until that girl came. You didn't know it then but she might just as well be the end of you and Zoro's relationship.

That girl went by the name Tashigi. She was a marine out to get Zoro. She also looked like his childhood friend; maybe even childhood crush, but you didn't need to know that. You could forever be oblivious to it.

She just came barging in demanding Zoro to fight her for wado, and like always he wouldn't give it to her, but he would tease her a bit. This time around however was slightly different. There was a little feeling fluttering from the very bottom of his stomach. It was small but it was there and he knew it.

He shoved it down and growled to himself for feeling even the slight bit of love for another women. He felt he wasn't being fateful to you. Then he started to look at the marine again.

'Are those flowers around her?!'

This Tashigi girl gonna be more trouble then he thought.

His Turn (Zoro x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя