Chapter 5

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I yawned, stretching out across my couch with a tub of blue bells red velvet ice cream placed firmly in my lap and The Lion King playing for the third time on my flat screen TV. I was wearing nothing but Derek’s big black t-shirt and my girl boxers. Honestly, the past two days I had been physically sick and I didn’t know why. Well, I get the feeling it has something to do with not seeing Derek, and the scent on his shirt that I ‘accidentally’ took had already been worn away. I don’t know why I felt so strongly for the alpha when I’ve only known him for like two weeks, but again, it scared me. I decided that I didn’t like this empty, hollow feeling in my chest and the sick feeling in my stomach, therefore, I refuse to see him again. I nodded to myself in determination, going over my resolve in my head once more. I will never see him again. I scooped more ice cream in my mouth and scowled, thinking about the conversation I had with Harper when we went out to coffee he day I got back from Beacon Hills. Lets just say that I left extremely embarrassed and put out while she left very, very smug. I thought back to Derek against my better judgment, but really, he wasn’t even that good looking. Sure, he has a handsome, chiseled jaw, swampy green eyes, sexy five o’clock shadow and a perfectly sculpted body that looked like heaven on earth, but he had weird teeth. I sighed in frustration at myself, unable to really find something that I disliked about him and came to the conclusion that there wasn’t anything about him that didn’t draw me to him. His physical appearance was to die for, of course, but that wasn’t the only thing. Obviously his powerful dominance gave me a rush and his hard, brooding look that was always on his face totally worked for him, but I loved his eyes the most. They were mysterious, pained and guarded, but the kind of guarded where you break past to find a nice, mushy guy. Sure, I wanted nothing more then for him to let me into his own little world of pain and past suffering. I wanted to know what made him smile and laugh but also what made him tick, but I didn’t want to find an over emotion, ‘just want a friend’ kind of guy. It would be a real turn off. I like them tough, inside and out, but hopefully more trusting and accepting inside. Hopefully, he could let me in and want the same from me. What I really want is for him to want to break down the walls I put up and want to get to know me, not just because of how I look, but because he really cares for me. I scowled at myself now. I mean, listen to myself, I sound like a stupid, love sick puppy dog and I hated it. Here I am, whishing that he wants to get to know me when I’ve already vowed to never see him again. I focused my attention back to the TV to try to at least pay attention to the remaining five minutes. I let my mind go blank of everything except The Lion King and the red velvet ice cream.

I awoke to the sound of pounding and looked over to find the movie back at its menu. I must have dozed off after the fourth time I watched the movie and looked at the clock to see it read 8:45 pm. Who would be at my door at this time? The pounding didn’t stop, so I carefully stood up, stretching my arms above my head before making my way towards the door. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I opened the door and looked up into two very familiar, olive green eyes. How inconvenient since I had decided to never see him again, but here he is, standing at my door. Wait, how did he know where I lived? Oh yeah, the first time, we came back to my apartment. I looked into his eyes a moment more.

“Go away,” I mumbled before going to close the door, but he stopped it with one hand. He glared down into my eyes and I resisted the urge to flinch away. He opened the door all the way.

“You left.” Was all he said as he glared down at me. I was confused for a second, having forgotten that three days ago, I left before he even woke up. Then, I glared right back up at him.

“You told me to,” I hissed, crossing my arms and straightening my legs in a defensive stance. Why would he even care whether I left or not, doesn’t he remember what he said. You were nothing but an easy lay. I was though, wasn’t I? Even my best friend Harper admitted that I had basically dragged him out of the club that night. Am I really easy?

“Not then,” His voice was hard and brought me out of my thoughts as he continued to glare down at me, stepping into my apartment now and I stepped back a little to make room for him, though not intentionally. I stared at him, confused since I had forgotten what we were arguing about because I was to busy warring with myself and staring into his enchanting green eyes. “I didn’t tell you to leave then,” He explained and I rolled my eyes.

“Well, you left too!” I hissed back, reminding him of how he just disappeared after the first night we, uh, ‘met’. He seemed to cringe back at the reality and looked away, finally breaking my gaze.

“I left because you were scared of me,” He muttered, still not looking at me and I was shocked at the quietness of his voice, but that didn’t stop my anger from rising. Not to mention my pride.

“I wasn’t scared of you,” I huffed, his eyes snapping back to me, and the ghost of a smirk on his face increased my anger. “I’m not scared of you,” I corrected as I stood up straighter under his intense gaze.

“Then what were you scared of,” He said, taking a step closer to me and I took another step back, but I had no where to go. There was a wall behind me and he was less then a foot away from me.

“Nothing,” I hissed at him defiantly, searching desperately for a way out, but he put his arms on either side of my head, trapping me. I hated being trapped.

“You were, tell me what you were afraid of.” He demanded, staring intently into my eyes and I almost cracked under their persuasion. Almost.

“I wasn’t afraid,” I was pleased to find my voice come out stronger then I thought it would. I narrowed my eyes at him, desperately trying to hold onto the anger I had felt that was rapidly diminishing with his close proximity.

“I would smell the fear, Rina.” His lips were only an inch away from mine now and his eyes darted from then to my eyes, imploring me to let the words roll off my tongue as we both wanted. I felt my breath hitch and he smirked, hearing it too. I could feel the words begin to come up and knew that I couldn’t stop them. How could he do this to me? How did he have so much power over me?

“I was afraid of what I was feeling,” I began, not looking away from his mesmerizing eyes, “I had never felt like that before, never felt like this before and it scares me. I cant get you out of my head, I cant stand to be away from you and I cant think of even being with anyone else, but you. I’m terrified of how desperately I need you and I hate how dependent I’ve become in such little time. I never knew anyone could do this to me, until you, and even now I wonder how you have so much control over me.” I finished the last sentence breathlessly as his lips pressed against mine. The kiss wasn’t like the first, an innocent brush, or any of the ones we shared days ago, which were lustful and wild. This kiss was tender, passionate and desperate, like he couldn’t get enough, and I couldn’t either. His hands were caring as they caressed my soft skin instead of tearing at it as they have before. His eyes were smoldering, suffocating me with passion and need. Things were different, but if I think about it, each time has been different. The first time was crazy and unknown as neither of us knew each others names while the second was wild and fierce. Tonight, he was gently, yet dominant, slow and deliberate, a strong passion always in his eyes as they wash over my body and a warmth spread throughout me at the look.

I woke the next morning and felt cold. My bed was empty and the room was silent. I looked around for a moment and sighed, looking down at my hands which rested in my lap, a pressure building behind my eyes. I refused to let the tears fall, however. I threw my legs over the side of my bed and stood up, my legs wobbling a little bit. I picked up the large black t-shirt that was beside the bed and slipped it on, making my way to my closed bedroom door. When I opened the door, a mouthwatering smell hit my sensitive nose like a truck and I followed the scent to the kitchen to find a perfectly sculpted back with a sexy swirly tattoo frying eggs and bacon. He turned around the look at me and smirked at his shirt that I was wearing. An overwhelming feeling of relief washed over me as his gorgeous eyes met mine that I couldn’t help but grin. At that moment, I felt completely happy.

The end? Or Continue? Thoughts?

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