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The pumping music soon soothed into a slow song. Lord Monochromicorn started dancing with Cake and FP with Fiona. Me and LSP stood back through it all and watched as the rest of our friends had their special times. Soon enough mister lumps found a girl to float around with and left me to stand around.

I moved my ways towards the punch bowl, staying polite and proper to at least address anyone I come across. After a long and tiring journey to get through the ocean of people, I grabbed a glass and took a few drinks to plunge into my system.

"Having fun there?" a girls voice suddenly said: causing me to spill my drink on the table a slight bit. I quickly set the cup down and turned to see a girl around my age with the same height of Fifi.

A deep red mask was plastered on her face from mid-way on the bridge of her nose to the top of her brows. Thin white fabric concealed the eye holes, leaving me to barely see her eyes. Her slim frame being covered by a dark red Lolita dress that went down to her mid-thigh. From there she wore red and white striped stockings with once again, red heels. Her skin was slightly a tint of grey like the two mountaineers but I chose not to ask her.

She reached her hand out to me and asked, "May I dance with the new king of the land?" I was slightly hesitant but decided to be a gentleman and accept. I took her hand in mines and directed her to the dance floor. We moved in sync to the rest of the people around us along with the music. I saw some of my friends winking at me and mouthing, 'Nice catch candy boy!'

To be honest, I really hope that this chick doesn't like me though because I'm not interested. . . in anyone for that matter. Girls just don't catch my eye and guys DEFINITELY don't. Nobody has ever made me really feel THAT kind of specialty. She won't be the beginning.

After a while of complete silence extracting the fact of the loud music, I decided to ask, "So what kingdom do you come from?" She grinned and asked, "Already trying to get into my life? Want to just skip to the part where we head into bed?" I was about to object but she cut in, "I'm only kidding. I'm getting married anyways." I looked at her with wide eyes. "Should you really be dancing with me then?! Won't he be mad?"

Se shook her head and said, "He probably won't because someone in this room has kidnapped my beloved fiancé! I know that he is somewhere in here and I'm trying to bust my man out. After that I'm going to kill the one who took him in the first place." I looked at her confused. I was about to push on into the story but the sound of music stopping and speakers turning on caused the girl to let go of me. Before she left though, she clasped her hands onto my shoulders to pull her face near my ear.

"Enjoy the gift while you can. My power will be revived soon during the blood thirst moon and I will kill you. You stole him. . ."

After that there was a sharp pain in my neck. She backed away from me and disappeared amongst the crowd. Vanishing into thin air. Before I could do anything else, the speakers boomed out, "King Gumball of Candy Kingdom! Blow your horn for the final surprise!"

I hadn't realized that it had finally turned to nightfall, nor did I notice the crowd giving me a giant open space to feel a tad bit lonely in. As I pulled out the wooden horn, the lights started to dim off and aluminizing moonlight filled the ball room and everyone gathered near the cage. Standing a couple feet away so that I could see as well. My hand fumbled a bit as they gingerly brought it up to my lips. I took in a few more deep breaths before taking in a fistful of air, then releasing it.

The same sound as before blew into my ears and the mountaineers grasped the white cloth. Fiona stood beside me now and held my hand for comfort. When the cloak was fully discarded, my heart stopped at the sight of glaring ruby orbs piercing my soul. That's when the sentence of my nightmares replayed it's mysterious words,

'Spread your wings, and fly. . .'

Spread your wings and fly [Gumlee]Where stories live. Discover now