Chapter 4: Jesse

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Chapter four

I made my way back towards the small pound area that I stumbled on last night. I didn’t think I would find whoever was there last night so I easily walked threw the forest and followed the same stream until I reached the clear beautiful pound. Looking at it with the sun hitting it was just as I imaged it would be in the day time, a perfect picture to add to my collection. Smelling the fresh air of the forest and the clean water flowing all around I sat right on the edge and pulled out a charcoal pencil and stared with the roundness of the pound. I was just about done with the picture when I heard someone calling my name. Packing up everything I ran threw the forest and straight back to the school where Mrs. Jones was calling my name.

“Oh” she said when I appeared out of the forest “you have really good hearing.”

“I was close” I said following her to the back of the school where the second smaller building was at. She walked around to a nice Mazda 8. It was a beautiful dark purple color.

“I love your car” I said climbing into the passenger seat.

“Thank you” she said smiling “my husband bought it from my brothers son after he finished fixing it up. Hey maybe we’ll run into them in town and you’ll get to meet him. He’s in your grade and he’s already 18 and his names Jesse. He worked at the local mechanic shop. I bet he’s there today.”

I nodded my understanding not really wanting to meet any new people at the moment.

“Oh do you want to stop and get something to eat while were in town. I know so many great places to eat. I’m sure they all have meat free food and their all little home style places. So cute. Oh there is so many clothing shops to we’ll have visit and little arts and crafts shops. There’s so much that I can show you if we have the time” Mrs. Jones talked on as we drove down the long road to town.

“So where do you want to start” Mrs. Jones asked pulling me out of my thoughts just as we entered the town.

“I really don’t know. Wherever you want to go is fine with me you know the town and I really don’t” I said looking at the small stores that we slowly passed.

“Are you hungry or ready to walk around” Mrs. Jones asked pulling into a empty parking lot next to a small mechanic shop.

“It doesn’t matter to me” Jullian said getting out of the car.

“I bet your hungry. Let’s grab something small to eat I want to visit my other brother for dinner and he cooks AMAZING” Mrs. Jones said laughing as she walked around the car towards the front of the car place.

“I don’t want to intrude on a family get together” Jullian said walking behind Mrs. Jones and into the side entrance of the shop.

“Oh no trouble my dear. My family loves everybody” she said opening the door and stepped in.

“My baby boy Jesse” Mrs. Jones called happily hugging a taller teen with shaggy strawberry blonde hair and tan skin.

“Auntie” he laughed picking her up and spinning her around.

“Jesse my baby when do you get off” Mrs. Jones asked punching Jesses shoulder.

“Well it’s 2:30 on a Saturday” Jesse said looking at the clock hanging on the wall “so 2 and half hours ago” he said laughing.

“Well get a move on” Mrs. Jones laughed “were going to look around town for a bit maybe grab a small bite then head over to your house for dinner.”

“Really it’s been so long since you’ve come over” Jesse said smiling.

“Oh Jesse I would like you to meet Jullian here” Mrs. Jones said catching me off guard as she and her nephew turned towards me as I was reading the pricing on the boards.

True love doesn't exist: Jullian and JesseWhere stories live. Discover now