^Chapter 16^

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I drift off into a deep sleep with a smile on my face, knowing I'll be happy here for a while.

This morning, I was woken up by the girls..... in an unexpected way. Let's recap on that, eh?

I was peacefully sleeping on top on Johnny when I hear a thud on the door. I open one of my eyes and hear laughing and hushing. I pretend to go back to sleep, putting one arm over Johnny's chest and one leg over his lap as the door is slowly opened. My dumb ass had no idea what was coming, well first I heard the sound of a picture being taken.... of course..... but then I hear the sound of a metal bucket moving, that's when I knew. Before I could do anything about it, water comes splashing down on me and Johnny. We both sit straight the fuck up, trying to keep our breathing steady. I look over at the girls and flip them off, I mean what else would you do? "Come on bitch, where having a girls day." Annie says to me while helping me up.

Now, you're all caught up. I'm just about to hop in the shower but of course I need some music sooo I chose the song Take you Down- by Chris Brown. **left the song right hear for y'all, it's just the lyrics tho**

After my shower I blow dried my hair with the blow dryer I had brought. I decided to curl my too with a curling iron I also brought just in case. I wanted John to get jealous that I wasn't doing to be with him today... that's not bad, is it?

After I curled my hair, I walked out of the bathroom, mind you, I was in my towel. I look over at the bed and see Johnny still laying there, no longer wet from being splashed earlier.

I stop in my tracks turning my neutral face into a face of surprise. "Jesus Johnny, why are you still here?" I ask, out of breath from being scared to death.

He looks me up and down before he says anything.... I'm getting uncomfortable. "Sorry, I'll go." He says while getting up.

I look at him with puppy eyes while pushing him down on the bed. "Wait, no. Don't leave yet." I saw while getting on top of him.

HAHAHA GOTCHA BITCH!!! That actually didn't happen but I did need him to pick out my outfit because I really liked the one he picked out yesterday. Instead I said this, "Wait! I need you to pick out my outfit." I say quickly before we walks out the door.

He gives me a cute little smirk while walking to my suitcase, which still lies there opened, waiting to be unpacked. He digs through what I had brought and picks out this outfit:

 He digs through what I had brought and picks out this outfit:

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He looked up at me as he got everything together. "This'll cover everything up so no fuckboy can see too much.  And, of course, it's supposed to be cooler today." He says with a smile. "Oh yeah, and I really liked that song you played this morning, I didn't realize I was dealing with a freak." He winks at me.

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