Chapter 1

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"We HAVE to do SOMETHING!" A young girl's voice whispered frantically

"Well, then what do you propose we do? Do you have any ideas, because I sure as hell don't" responded a man's voice; sounding very familiar. The person on the ground shook her head slightly and opened her eyes.

" I don't know! You don't have to be so mean about it either." The petite blonde haired girl with spiky ponytails and a -was that silk???- short dress that was rounded at the bottom by a wire caging looked down at her and gasped.The man with blue/black hair glanced down as well, and saw that her eyes were open, albeit only a little bit.

"I see you are awake now." The man chuckled a little, seeing her wide eyes." There are better places than on the ground to take a nap, you know.

Give me your hand."

She slipped her hand into the man's hand with ease, allowing herself to be pulled into a standing position. She briefly saw a six eyed symbol that looked like some sort of tattoo, but she barely paid it any heed.

The man's eyes locked with hers for a few seconds, before he let go of her hand and she turned away, blushing slightly. The man was hot....that much she could say. She brushed down her frazzled white hair, and turned back around to face him once again.

"Are you alright?" The man asked, seeming genuinely concerned

She nodded. " Y-yes.... thank you, Chrom."

The man tilted his head to the side a bit, confused. " So, you know who I am then?"

Her hand went to her forehead, trying to think. " No, actually. I am just as lost as you are right now. Your just popped into my head."

Now Chrom eyed her suspiciously. " That is a bit curious, is it not?......But anyway, tell me, what is your name? And what brings you here?"

The blonde snickered. " And and open field"

The woman chose to ignore her. " My name? Well that's a question, isn't it?" When she earned a hard stare from Chrom, she continued. " I'm sorry; I cannot seem to remember...." this time she was dead serious.

"You don't even know your own name?"Chrom asked in disbelief.

" I'm actually not quite sure where I am right now, if you could clarify that would be good."

" This kind of thing....I've heard of it before.... it was called.....Amnesia!!! Yeah, that's it!" The blonde girl piped up, her hand going to her mouth.

There suddenly was a voice from behind the blonde and Chrom. " It's called a load of pegasus shit. You expect us to believe that you can remember milords' name and not your own?"

"'s the truth!!! Why would I have reason to lie??" She took a step away from the tall man in blue and silver/white armor as he took a step forward to put himself between the two smaller people and the amnesiac.

Chrom pushed his way back to in front of the big man. "Well what if it is true, Frederick? We cannot just leave her here, alone,confused. What kind of Shepherds would we be then?"

" The cautious and living kind, milord. You may want to excersise caution, all the same. I must emphasize that point. 'Twould not do to let a wolf into our flock if you get my meaning"

Chrom nodded slowly taking in the large mans' opinion. " Right, then. We will take her back to town and sort this all out when we get there." The three companions turned and began to walk.

The woman was taken aback; she stayed in one spot and her hand went to her chest." Now you hold on just on minute!" Fredrick Chrom, and the little blonde girl all turned back to face her. " Don't I get a say in this?!"

Chrom chuckled. " Peace, friend. I promise we will hear all that you want to say back in town. Now are you coming?"


The four of them walked down a rough cobblestone road, until the woman spoke: "What are you going to do with me? Am I to be your prisoner?" She looked down at her feet when she felt the laser stare of Frederick on her back.

Chrom laughed. " Hah! No, friend. You will be free to go once we establish that you are no enemy of Ylisse."

The woman looked up, her eyebrows furrowed inquisitively. " Ylisse? Is that where we are?"

Frederick scoffed " So you mean to tell us that you've never heard of the halidom? Somebody pay this actress, for she plays the part of a fool quite well! The confused look is especially convincing."

" Please, Frederick." To the woman Chrom said "Yes. This land is known as the Halidom of Ylisse. Our ruler, Emmeryn, is known as the exalt. This being said, I do belive proper introductions are in order. I m Chrom- but you already knew that. The delicate one here is my little sister, Lissa."

The blonde girl harrumphed. " I AM NOT DELICATE! Ignore my brother, please. He can be quite daft sometimes. But you are soo lucky that the Shepherds found you. Brigands would have been a horrible awakening present, don't you think?"

The woman nodded. " One second. You tend full armor? I'm confused."

Chrom smiled warmly. " It is quite a dangerous job. Just ask Frederick the Wary over there."

" A title I shall wear with pride, milord. Gods forbid one of us keeps an appropriate level of caution." Frederick crossed his arms behind his back, at attention.The woman chuckled slightly at the knight's pride, before stopping as he started to glare at her. Lissa snorted in a very un-ladylike manner, and the woman realized that Fredrick had not reprimanded her.

'Curious......but.....I know this from is all too familiar. But- Owwwwww!!' The womans' mental conversation was halted by a blazing pain traveling through her body, causing her to loose balance and collapse onto the dirt road.

" Are you alright?" Chrom asked worriedly as he reached how hand out to help her up. She stared at it for a second before grasping it and allowing him to pull her up for the second time that day.

" Well I don't I look okay?" She asked, and as she was speaking, a name popped into her head.

" I suppose not." Chrom answered, seeming a bit confused.

" OH! And before I forget to tell you, my name is Robin." The woman said, feeling glad that she had finally remembered. Chrom scratched his chin thoughtfully.

" Robin, you say? Is that foreign?" Robin shrugged indifferently.

" I wouldn't really know, considering I have no memory whatsoever.....sooooooooo yeah....."

" Ahhh, well, we can discuss it later. We're almost to town. Once we-"

" CHROM!! Look at the town!!!!" Robin, Chrom, and Fredrick all looked to where Lissa was feverently pointing.

" Oh gods!" Robin whispered, seeing the roaring flames licking the sides of many buildings and thick black smoke floating into the sky and being swept towards them, just carrying the scent of toxic smoke to the four companions.

" Damn! The town is ablaze!" Chrom exclaimed, and Robin inwardly sighed.

' And thank you to Chrom, for stating the obvious.'

" Must have been those brigands we were following, milord." Fredrick stated gravely.

" Fredrick! Chrom! If we want to help we have to go now!" Lissa shouted in a worried voice.

" But what about her?" Fredrick questioned, but Chrom whipped around to stare at him.

" Unless she's on fire too, it can wait!!"

" Aptly put, milord." The large mounted knight bowed his head, which Robin thought was strange, but she decided not to make any comments.

" Let's just how already!" Lissa ahouted, and the three people ran off, leaving Robin in the dust.

" But.....What about- HEY! What am I supposed to- ahhh screw it." Robin shook her head and ran off after them.

Why Can't I Remember? -a Fire Emblem Awakening FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now