Dinner gone wrong

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Archie and Veronica had been happily married for 1 year and we're never more in love. Veronica was preparing for archie to come home from work as any usual night. Setting the table for the 2 of them with a candle in the middle and calling the Take out place and ordering their favorite meals. Archie just called to tell her he was on the way and was picking up the food too.

"Hey babe i'm home" archie yells while struggling to get the keys out of the door. "Hey love " veronica says walking over to him, kissing him lightly while grabbing the keys and easily lifting them right out of the door frame. Archie walks over to the set table and puts the food down. "How was work?" veronica genuinely asks while archie washes his hands. "It was ok but i missed you a lot" and smiles looking up at her. "I missed you too but cmon let's eat i barely ate all day. i was so busy helping betty moving into her and  jugheads new house." They both sit down and talk about everyday things.

Even though they've only been married for a year, archie can't help but fall more in love with veronica as she goes on and on about her day. "What?" veronica says smiling. "You look so beautiful and i love you so much." He says tucking a price of loose hair behind her ear. She smiles and leans into his hand that he placed on her cheek. "Babe" archie's face turns completely pale. "W-what is it archie?" veronica looks concerned as she watches her husband sprint to the bathroom. Archie is leaning over the toilet as veronica comes up and rubs his back with her hand. "It's alright love" veronica says while kissing his head . He gets up and brushes his hands and splashes his face with water. "Can we go lay down? I probably ate something bad this morning or something." archie says grabbing veronica's hand and leading her to their master bedroom.

Archie jumps in bed and veronica gets him some water. She climbs in and snuggles into his chest while he turns on the tv. They watch for a while and all of the sudden archie is fast asleep. Out of nowhere a wave of nausea hits veronica and she quickly and as quietly as she could runs to the bathroom and throws up twice. She quietly begins to brush her teeth but feels the sudden urge to throw up again. she sits down in front of the toilet and puts her forehead on the toilet seat. She feels awful to wake up archie but she just wants his comfort and for him to tell her it's going to be ok.

She throws up again but is too weak to stand up so she just stays there in the same position for about half an hour and half asleep.  She jolts up when she felt a sharp pain in her stomach and throws up again 'what the hell?' she whispered leaning her head against the wall. Archie tosses and turns and sites awake but doesn't feel Ronnie. He  reached out and slowly sat up. "Ronnie?" he calls out groggily because it's 3 in the morning. No answer. He calls her name out again... No answer. He slowly makes his way out of the bed and hears shuffling in the master bathroom.

He walks in and squints his eyes to adjust to the brightness and sees his wife leaning on the toilet with her eyes closed. He quickly noticed the vomit in he toilet and got a towel with some water on it and started washing her face. No matter how tired he was it didn't matter to him. She was his priority.

She slowly stirs being only half awake and confused as to what's happening and looks up and meets archie's eyes. "Go back to bed arch, you're tired and you have to get up early for work... ill be fine" veronica says with a groggy voice. "Come here" Archie says while lifting her off the floor. He turns on the shower and she slowly brushes her teeth. Archie assists her in taking off her clothes. She quickly rinses off while Archie heats up a towel for her in the dryer. He wraps her in the towel and gets her one of his t shirts to wear. "We are never eating from that place again." Archie says leading veronica to their bed. She gets under the covers and turns to face him as he's getting in himself. "Thank you baby, i really do love you more than you could possibly know." veronica says kissing him softly on the lips. "I love you more" Archie says as she tucks her head under his chin snuggling into him and veronica softly whispers "Impossible"

Hey guys! heres a well deserved update for you guys.Im going to start writing more one shots that are current not future varchie.  I have so many  new ideas that Im working on publishing now so bare with me... If you have any suggestions please comment them below and thank you so very much for reading this one shot!

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