*~* Chapter One *~*

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Here is the first ever chapter of Waking Up In Vegas! Whoop! Whoop! :D lol. Hope you all enjoy.

Picture of Connor :D

Dedicated to RenisRei for her funny comment on chapter nine of my other book Chained to Dare. xD Which by the way I wouldn't mind if you could all just yano go take a look at that *wink wink* and Divinity too *hint hint* if you are all so kind xP



::Connor's P.O.V::

"Conni! Give them back! Now!"

I grinned evily at my sister, Myla, who was currently jumpping up and down trying to grab her opened bag of Funyuns out of my right hand.

Looking at us now you would think I was the older sibling considering that I look way older than I actually am and she looks way younger than she actually is. When really I'm only seventeen and she's four years older than me. Also I am freaking beast- like I'm 6' 3" in height- so it doesn't nessacrially help the sitiation since Myla is barely 5 foot. Weird huh? You would expect us to be both super tall, super short, or even somewhere in the middle but noooo mom and dad had to make our genes super freakisly appart to the point where people started thinking if we were indeed family we had to be thrid cousin once removed or something crazy like that. Althought I didn't blame them for thinking that. Myla's and I's diffrences went farther than just height.

Now we both have blonde hair- hers being a natural sunny blonde and is curly/frizzy as all get out and mine being a kind-of-on-the-dark-side dirty blonde that couldn't possiably get any straighter. Besides that we had nothing in common. My eyes where a bright baby blue; hers were a deep warm chocolate color. My skin tone was more or so tan and she was very light skinned. My nose was long; hers was short. The list could go on and on and on. Don't even get me started on our diffenences in personalitys- my god it would take forever to list.

Still grinning I took a funyun out of the bag and let it hover over my lips tauntingly.

Myla's eyes narrowed.

"You wouldn't"

To annoy her to her extream I stuck the funyun in my mouth making sure to make a very big 'Mmmm" sound. Nobody comes between my sister and her funyuns. Nobody. I mean if you do you are like going to die. For real. D-I-E die. Now with my point made you may not find it surprising about what she did next.

"You bastered! How dare you eat my funyuns with your grimmy flithy hands!"

Next thing I knew Myla had tackled me onto the floor her hands making a quick dash for the bag.

"Not this time, Sis!"

I quickly pushed her off- nearly tripping back on the ground as I got up- and ran upstairs. I could hear her running after me not far behind.

"Conni, I swear to God you better give me them back right this instent!!!" She yelled just a few feet behind me.

"Goodness you sound like mom!"

"Conni!!!" She sreeched.

I laughed. She never did like being compared to mom.

I turned sharply and entered my room, slamming the door close right when Myla came into view. With my ninja reflexs, I locked my door a second before she started twisting and turning it.

"Damn you! Give me back my Funyums!!!!" She begain pounding on my door like a evily possessed mad woman.

"You crazy if you think I'd open this door. I don't know about you but I didn't plan on dying today."

Waking Up in Vegas (BoyxBoy)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ